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BBrising 03-23-2011 03:22 PM

Short Battery Life
Used my GPS this morning and turned it off after about 20 minutes of use. Hours later my phone was on my desk and very warm, like the battery had been on and working. Sure enough the battery was nearly dead with only a few (about 3) hours of time since a full charge. What would cause this? Am I not closing the GPS properly? Thats seems most likely to me since the screen never goes off when the GPS is on. Please help.

djdonnyk 03-23-2011 03:39 PM

Re: Short Battery Life
Could be several things, first hold down BB menu key and see what apps are running. Should only be about 5.

BBrising 03-23-2011 04:18 PM

Re: Short Battery Life
7 apps came up - is that too many?

aiharkness 03-23-2011 05:57 PM

Re: Short Battery Life
First, you need to distinguish between the gps in the device and the mapping/navigation app that takes location information from the gps but also downloads additional location information, maps, and navigation information from servers on the network. What did you turn off? (I always leave the gps enabled in options, but close mapp/nav apps when I'm done with them.)

As djdonnyk implies, any app that is hitting the network frequently and for significant periods of time is going to run the battery down fast and cause the BlackBerry to be warm to the touch.

I think you probably did not really close the mapping/nav app. But look at what else is running besides the core apps that are always running.

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