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Tom 09-26-2014 05:11 PM

Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
I have been playing around with mine for a couple of days and still can not get used to the size of the thing. And I have large hands. You would figure large device would work better with large hands, but maybe the keyboard is just not designed for this?

tsac 09-27-2014 08:14 AM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
IF this is your first Blackberry device then yes it will take a bit to get accustomed to
the feel.
If you see the trend in cell phones, its bigger. This is actually a smaller phone. when you get used to the screen you may find you only pull the keyboard out when really needed.

btaylor1 09-27-2014 10:00 AM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
I'm comfortable with q10. I'm wondering if, in light of larger size, there will still be a decent usable belt/holster. I don't wear a suit jacket usually on weekends and need a decent usable belt/holster. (I'm also a little nervous to see no numerals and speakerphone key visible on what's left of the physical keyboard. I know size matters for screen, but I'm one of the fuddy duddies who continues to need good usable physical keyboard for all typing, and I don't want to have to interact with the screen while typing numerals or anything else!)

NJBlackBerry 09-28-2014 07:06 AM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
I Have a Lumia 1520, also a "Phablet". It must be part of the trend.

The Lumia is taller than the Passport and heavier.
The Passport is wider and a bit thicker.

I can't use the 1520 as a daily device. It is too big and always requires two hands.
I expect the same for the Passport. And since the Passport is even wider than the Lumia 1520, I would expect a lot of drops.

Will see what happens.

John Clark 10-01-2014 08:53 PM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
Size matters. The Z30 size is perfect...IMHO. The Passport has been getting great reviews (yes, I'm a bit surprised by that) but not sure it's for me.

knottyrope 10-02-2014 12:46 PM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
screen is wide, that's for sure

daphne 10-02-2014 11:38 PM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?

Originally Posted by Tom (Post 1813224)
I have been playing around with mine for a couple of days and still can not get used to the size of the thing. And I have large hands. You would figure large device would work better with large hands, but maybe the keyboard is just not designed for this?

Your profile says 9800.:razz:

tsac 10-04-2014 09:58 AM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
:razz:Nice to see Tom is getting a blackberry:razz:

John Clark 10-04-2014 10:00 AM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
Nice to see Tom on BBF

ZombieBerry 10-04-2014 11:31 AM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
10.3.1.xxxx is pretty nice. Think I am going to pass on the port. See what the Classic feels like.

knottyrope 10-04-2014 03:21 PM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
feels like a small passport kinda

Tom 10-14-2014 11:02 AM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?

Originally Posted by tsac (Post 1813291)
:razz:Nice to see Tom is getting a blackberry:razz:

I have never switched from BlackBerry. 9900 -> Z10 -> Q10 -> Passport

I have dropped the passport a couple of times now, but I am slowly getting used to it. My other phone is a Samsung S5 which I feel is a ideal size, but I still need/want a actual keyboard.

John Clark 10-14-2014 06:24 PM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
I dropped my Z30 a month or so ago...6-8 inches from my hand to the concrete. Screen crack. Fortunately, it must be the easiest device ever built to change a screen on. 10 minutes and $75 on eBay and I was back in business. Passport, not so much. Don't drop it!

alicepattinson 10-14-2014 10:11 PM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?

Originally Posted by Tom (Post 1813407)
I have never switched from BlackBerry. 9900 -> Z10 -> Q10 -> Passport

I have dropped the passport a couple of times now, but I am slowly getting used to it. My other phone is a Samsung S5 which I feel is a ideal size, but I still need/want a actual keyboard.

It's just different when your hands are big and the keyboard is small. It's too cute to handle. Hehehe. :razz: :bb:

Lightower 10-18-2014 07:03 AM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
I've had it for a few days, It's not a phone but a miniature touch pad/ keyboard computer. I really like the device and I have been with apple since the iphone 4.

The big seller for me was the screen. For work documents, spread sheets etc its the only way to go but the Blackberry Blend is amazing !!

I use the blend on my pc and ipad mini.

The android apps solved allot of issues of what was going to be a return to the store - Netflix etc.

Very happy with the purchase. BTW, get a good quality Bluetooth ear piece, looks very awkward to hold this or an iphone 6 plus to your head

aiharkness 10-19-2014 08:54 AM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
On my 5th day with it and no problems. It's brilliant.

hell 12-20-2014 03:00 PM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
guys!!!! This is their best phone by far.

I simply love it!!! The size is strange at first, I will give you that.

But I was never into watching videos or anything like that. This is a phone to work, check emails, chat, browse. I'm really happy to be able to talk to my friends again and say that BlackBerry is way better than iShit!

This BB is very productive.
My 2 cents.

NJBlackBerry 12-22-2014 03:53 PM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
Thank goodness you included the word productive.

tsac 12-22-2014 08:56 PM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
If you say so. I want to see it produce

NJBlackBerry 12-22-2014 09:16 PM

Re: Anyone having issues getting used to the size?
You know; one of the speaking points - BlackBerrys make you more productive. No one can describe how, but that's not important. Second one is "tools not toys" (as they search for ported Android games).

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