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Psyched 04-02-2011 09:02 AM

Using Curve 8520 with external GPS receiver.
New to Blackberrys, but not to GPS and it's uses, so bear with me please.

I have a Curve 8520 on v5 software, with BB maps and downloaded google maps, both of which work reasonably with mast triangulation to get a position fix. However, I also have a Tom Tom Bluetooth GPS receiver and wanted to use this to get a better fix.

I guess this might also provide a few pointers for getting other BB bluetooth enabled phones using an external GPS receiver.

So turn on the bluetooth device, BB menu 'manage connections' (wifi icon), turn Bluetooth on if it isn't already, click Setup Bluetooth then search and it should 'see' your gps receiver. Highlight the device and click, enter passkey if necessary and you should see that the receiver has been paired to the Blackberry.

If all is good (I can't post pics yet, not enough posts) you should see a mostly white screen with Bluetooth enabled at the top, then Paired devices on 2nd line and the devices name, in my case 'TomTom Wireless GPS MkII'

Return to menu screen and select Options, then advanced options then location settings ..You should be at a screen that has a heading of Location Settings, 2nd line says GPS Data Source and should show Your GPS device highlighted in blue, if not, click the icon and select your device.
3rd line needs Location Services set to Location ON and Location Data set to Enabled. This was the bit I hadn't found and which was stopping my setup working!

That's it, reverse out ans save setting as normal.

Now go into Maps, menu and Start GPS Navigation .. and it works with BB Maps .. It also works with Google maps too and I suspect it will work with most mapping systems with some variations perhaps within the different map menus or settings.

Hope it helps someone .. ;)

samnyemba 05-01-2011 09:43 AM

Re: Using Curve 8520 with external GPS receiver.
Psyched, are you able or are you not able to use the Tom Tom as a GPS receiver for your BB? I can't get your question or the point that you are "trying to put"/"putting" across? What is it?
Posted via Mobile

fzzj 05-01-2011 10:12 PM

Re: Using Curve 8520 with external GPS receiver.
thanks a lot

fdidionisio 05-30-2011 10:34 AM

Re: Using Curve 8520 with external GPS receiver.
In Menu - Options - Advanced Options - Location settings you see your GPS position???
I made all task you suggest but i can't use my GPS receiver.

Thanks a lot

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