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Buggaton 04-14-2011 07:56 AM

Suretype/Predictive Text
I have no problem with finding out how to turn on/off the suretype function.

I do have a problem with the function itself. It seems to be set up entirely with the purpose of slowing down the user. On a non-qwerty setup this suretype is awful. There is no obvious way of adding words to the dictionary whilst one is mid-message and the words guessed are sometimes longer than that of the ones I'm typing. I would rather it suggested words of the length I've typed... not any other length. Like a Nokia predictive text function. I also don't like having to use an unreliable and unpredictable touch button to cycle through my options and click on a word I'd like to use. Why can't it be a tactile button that cycles through the messages for accuracy and ease?

In short, does anyone know a way to change this predictive text function to be more like a Nokia phone (or really any phone that was made before "Smart phones" came and slowed (dumbed?) everything down).


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