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nobody7290 03-21-2012 03:21 AM

Mobile dictation for Blackberry?
I look for a mobile dication Application for blackberry.

might be by using the Handheld for dictation or a BT accesory which then sends the files to the BB and then it should go via email to the transcriber.

My primary questions:
is it possible to use the BB for a convenient dictation, or because of missing buttons should I right away get an external recording device ?

If I want to use the Handheld for recording and, want text to speech conversion: For privacy reasons this must be done either on the device itself (unlikely that there is an application which can do this) or at the transcriber.

What would you recommend ?


djm2 03-21-2012 02:44 PM

Re: Mobile dictation for Blackberry?
Can you use the built-in voice recorder? Or look at VR+.

I have toyed with the idea of seeing if Dragon Naturally Speaking could take a file created on the BB and do the translation on the PC. I know that you can set up profiles to do this, but: (a) I have not done so, and (b) the recommended recorders officially supported by Nuance are fairly high-end digital recorders.

nobody7290 03-21-2012 06:39 PM

Re: Mobile dictation for Blackberry?
I found a system from Grundig, and, it looks pretty much like what I need.

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