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tiger123 07-20-2007 02:56 PM

I've now got 40K in RIMM
My average stack price is about 228. I bought it all in the past week. Lets hope she keep going up from here!!! (y)

JSanders 07-20-2007 03:10 PM

Sorry to hear that.

zero7404 07-20-2007 03:31 PM

Wirelessly posted (8100: Opera/8.01 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/3.1.8295/1690; en; U; ssr))

Can't be that bad, i was thinking about throwing some money into RIM, but i'm not sure how well they will do in the short term....

i read on zdnet that sprint is busy building 4G (wimax). If they r the first on the block to feed it to the masses, their stocks will go thru the roof.

JSanders 07-20-2007 03:53 PM

Three reasons why I think RIM stock is not a good investment today or this current period:

1- RIM is currently overvalued greatly. They have had a great period of growth, but RIM's p/e is way out of whack.

2- I read somewhere Apple reports earnings late July. I think RIM will take a hit, even if only slight, when Apple reports the glory of the iPhone month.

3- RIM insiders are cashing out on a lot of their personal holdings. What does that tell you?

Don't get me wrong, I think RIM has been a great investment, and will be a great investment, again, later. But the old axiom of buying low and selling high still applies.

test54 07-20-2007 03:59 PM

apple's is 7/25 i believe. It will be interesting and I agree with you JSanders about RIM.

moosehead 07-20-2007 04:11 PM

Both RIMM and Apple are way above the support line, both have and show no sell signals or warning signs yet from locking at it's techicals. Both also have instituations pouring money in so I don't see any reason to sell by any means right now. So if you are holding either I'd continue to hold right now. Long term who What goes up must come down....

tiger123 07-20-2007 04:44 PM

I think if Apple has a good earnings report next Wednesday not only will apple do good but I think RIMM will too!

tazeat 07-21-2007 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by JSanders (Post 607716)
Three reasons why I think RIM stock is not a good investment today or this current period:

1- RIM is currently overvalued greatly. They have had a great period of growth, but RIM's p/e is way out of whack.

2- I read somewhere Apple reports earnings late July. I think RIM will take a hit, even if only slight, when Apple reports the glory of the iPhone month.

3- RIM insiders are cashing out on a lot of their personal holdings. What does that tell you?

Don't get me wrong, I think RIM has been a great investment, and will be a great investment, again, later. But the old axiom of buying low and selling high still applies.

In other words buy your 2008 put options now at a discount :oops: did I say that out loud?

tazeat 07-21-2007 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by tiger123 (Post 607775)
I think if Apple has a good earnings report next Wednesday not only will apple do good but I think RIMM will too!

RIM just released an earnings about about a month ago... remember it skyrocketed like $35 in one day... then its gone steadily up from there to its current price... You got a couple more months :)

jibi 07-24-2007 11:00 PM

so after losing $1,500 today, how do you feel? :)

CarBob 07-24-2007 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by jibi (Post 611998)
so after losing $1,500 today, how do you feel? :)

Hey Jibi,

Don't flame me but I think your avatar must be getting to you!! :-o You are usually so helpful.

CarBob :razz:

Mark Rejhon 07-26-2007 11:57 AM

I got a little RIMM after they had their big run from the 950 days (I almost bought that early, but they were still way overvalued back in those days when they only had 50,000 subscribers! That would have been a 20-bagger if I did). However, I bought before they went consumer (back in the NTP FUD days) so I am still on a nice gain from that.

My investing horizon is longterm -- I typically hold stocks for years. I still have Cisco from 1997... I tend to ignore short term signals. (So daytraders and technicals don't often factor into my decisions.)

The question is when I should sell. One needs to evaluate whether RIMM will be significantly higher in 5 years. There's iPhone competition now, but RIMM is being confident. But 2 years ago, few of us believed RIMM would have memory cards, cameras, and multimedia playback in BlackBerries today. I'm pretty sure they can stay competitive. There's still 7 billion more people in the market out of the 9 million current subscribers. The market is big enough that I can wait a decade -- what if RIMM has 90 million subscribers worldwide in 2017? Then it's worth I hold my stock that long, even at a slower growth (but still market beating). On the other hand, they can dangerously stumble, lose out to Apple and other vendors -- it could happen. After all, we've already hit the market cap of one of the massive ones: Motorola. We're nearing the territory of "big ones" so possibly goodbye to fairly fast growth... But they have defied these predictions so far, and I expect they will. iPhone is a good phone and preferred by some, but isn't a universal preference for everybody -- and I tend to believe RIMM when they believe iPhone is helping grow the smartphone market..

Anyway, short term I don't see much happening to RIMM. If I was buying today, I certainly won't buy just plainly because it's overvalued. (Then again -- I thought Apple was overvalued last year, and look at where they are now. Ditto for Nintendo when the Wii came out. Doh!)

jibi 07-28-2007 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by CarBob (Post 612011)
Hey Jibi,

Don't flame me but I think your avatar must be getting to you!! :-o You are usually so helpful.

CarBob :razz:

hehe. Well, usually after a run of a 35% gain over a few weeks without much actual or fiscal substance, you really have to wonder if it's smart to purchase that much stock. Now tiger is looking at a loss of $15/share since he posted, or a bit more than $2,000 in net loss of his net purchase rate. I mean, it's gained over $50/share in the last month, so maybe it will go back up. Of course, everytime their stock does bad, I contemplate purchasing some but never do... and then it rebounds and I repeatedly kick myself in the butt. But at this point, I'm not sure if there's much more room for RIMM to move. I think it'll settle off a bit lower than it is now, and then it'd be a smart buy, once again (maybe wait until it lowers to $200-205 or so). But purchasing it at almost an all-time peak may not have been that smart, but I'd hold off until the 3-for-1 split comes around next month before thinking of selling - who knows, we may have another spell of record breaking numbers again.

Jagga 07-29-2007 12:05 PM

RIM & Room to grow while maintaining.
Shouldn't we not be looking at raw data #'s and WHERE RIMM can go from here? Relative to the competition & KEEPING their existing subscribers.

Keeping Existing Subscribers:
1 - offering a better web-browser that is seperate from the OS "Finder" & to do the same with the media browser. IE can the 8300 browse pics & listen to music with or without A2DP headphones in use? I, like many others can create a pseudo slideshow of family photos or events taken with the inbuilt camera on a SonyEricsson K790 or just about any Motorola/SE phone, and M$ smartphones can do the same along with UIQ3 (the last I'll get too later).

2 - Finally offering native HTML email (compressed not to increase data usuage) with the ability to have an ON/OFF command on either BIS/BES directly switchable from the BBDM/HH itself. Furthermore the ability to have an HTML-Email Lite version similar to pure HTML vs WAP2.0/xHTML when browsing websites on normal phones. What I'm getting at is to have full blown (compressed of course) HTML email. The stuff that BESTBuy sends weekly about regional store deals, while still having the ability to say have banners/links just have the company html logo filled in yet not the background banner (further reducing unnecessary data usuage). I'd like to have this seperate from the BB Browser app as well!

3 - Encouraging a hand towards making Canadian & other providers worldwide to finally have a TRUE unlimited data monthly charge that is NOT capped! Don't their internal employees tire of this as well?! Is only Lazaridis & Balsilie the only two in Canada with a secret ultra PURE unlimited data plan?!


1- In Europe Symbian OS is STILL king and has been for a LONG time regardless of the shady #'s MS has posted this last year. Their making headway; but still have a hill to climb EVEN with HTC's help. RIMM has to start thinking that Consumers are NOT the only ones that wish to listening to music & view photos independently. That their potential customers are NOT willing to be limited to streaming audio/video by ONLY 3rd party vendors/apps; but the ability to view a web page - keep it static - and goto a link from email corporate or personal to a site or video directly and have the browser intelligently invoke the media player (separate audio, video & photo viewers PLEASE even if to keep it just a "Media Player" allow it to be invoked in 3 separate instances) for streaming video playback. DON'T release the 3G berry stateside or the followup to the 8707 without this ability in this day & age PLEASE!

2 - API's I still have yet to see 3rd Party apps to be able to use the Browsers Bookmarks - import & export more to the Browser (Opera Mini anyone).

3 - the Microsoft Exchange KILLER! Allow the ability to ARCHIVE - similar to a .PST File - on the MicroSD card. Heck with 2GB & 4GB on the market SERIOUSLY push the market manufacturer of Sandisk to create & release 8GB & higher. PUSH Microsft to further allow higher .PST file storage limitations. Also allow the ability in a future release or SP of BBDM V4.2.x to SYNC this MicroSD Archive to the MS .PST file or even a Domino NOTES Archive file. Both of these file types can be compressed and secured with AES on the MicroSD, and possibly whiped with the OTA Kill from BES!

> THIS ALONE will increase GROWTH through new versions of BES upgrades service support calls!

This is what generates customers, contracts, increases both and what analyst's sometimes/usually miss until its already in place, yet glorify when they find out.

Is any of this excitement that I have valid gents?

jibi 07-29-2007 04:21 PM

...all of it sounds plausible and is likely on the 1-year-out roadmap. full streaming audio/video should be available with OS 4.3.0/4.3.1, likely due out next month (for some devices). expect some changes with the media player functionality (although perhaps not all that much). the blackberry browser will also get a new look/feel but not much different than the current version - and definitely not vector-based HTML browsing. HTML emails will be supported by the end of the year, but that may be limited to newer devices/OS versions. BIS will also be changing before the end of the year (maybe early next year), so the non-BES prosumers/consumers will have more of an appealing draw with full PIM functionality with the likes of GMail and Yahoo.

CarBob 07-30-2007 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by jibi (Post 615859)
hehe. Well, usually after a run of a 35% gain over a few weeks without much actual or fiscal substance, you really have to wonder if it's smart to purchase that much stock. Now tiger is looking at a loss of $15/share since he posted, or a bit more than $2,000 in net loss of his net purchase rate. I mean, it's gained over $50/share in the last month, so maybe it will go back up. Of course, everytime their stock does bad, I contemplate purchasing some but never do... and then it rebounds and I repeatedly kick myself in the butt. But at this point, I'm not sure if there's much more room for RIMM to move. I think it'll settle off a bit lower than it is now, and then it'd be a smart buy, once again (maybe wait until it lowers to $200-205 or so). But purchasing it at almost an all-time peak may not have been that smart, but I'd hold off until the 3-for-1 split comes around next month before thinking of selling - who knows, we may have another spell of record breaking numbers again.

Thanks Jibi. Totally concur. Would never even think of buying any stock if it appears to be at the top of the market.

Will be interesting to see what happens when RIM introduces the BB 9000 series.


blakeatl 08-05-2007 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by jibi (Post 616709)
...all of it sounds plausible and is likely on the 1-year-out roadmap. full streaming audio/video should be available with OS 4.3.0/4.3.1, likely due out next month (for some devices). expect some changes with the media player functionality (although perhaps not all that much). the blackberry browser will also get a new look/feel but not much different than the current version - and definitely not vector-based HTML browsing. HTML emails will be supported by the end of the year, but that may be limited to newer devices/OS versions. BIS will also be changing before the end of the year (maybe early next year), so the non-BES prosumers/consumers will have more of an appealing draw with full PIM functionality with the likes of GMail and Yahoo.

This has nothing to do with the conversation. I just wanted to say that I almost went for the ant on the screen.

DallasFlier 08-07-2007 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by jibi (Post 615859)
hehe. Well, usually after a run of a 35% gain over a few weeks without much actual or fiscal substance, you really have to wonder if it's smart to purchase that much stock. Now tiger is looking at a loss of $15/share since he posted, or a bit more than $2,000 in net loss of his net purchase rate.

Hmm, I kinda think he deserved the hit even more with his bragging headline "I've now got 40K in RIMM." Talk about the stock, the price trends, whatever - but THAT headline was just a tasteless attempt at "I have more money than you do," IMHO, of course! A simple statement that "I've bought RIMM in the past week at an average price of $228 and I'm hoping it will continue to rise" would have conveyed identical info with a whole lot more class.

canonbomb1987 08-09-2007 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by DallasFlier (Post 626060)
Hmm, I kinda think he deserved the hit even more with his bragging headline "I've now got 40K in RIMM." Talk about the stock, the price trends, whatever - but THAT headline was just a tasteless attempt at "I have more money than you do," IMHO, of course! A simple statement that "I've bought RIMM in the past week at an average price of $228 and I'm hoping it will continue to rise" would have conveyed identical info with a whole lot more class.

I totally agree.

vincentnyc 08-10-2007 07:20 PM

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