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yigalweinstein 04-26-2008 12:30 PM

Is upgrading the BB OS on Linux possible?
Without running a virtual Windows session (XP, Vista, etc.) will it, or is it, be possible - most likely using Wine, Wine HQ , to upgrade the OS?

Sorry in advance for starting a new thread but I didn't see this topic raised and I'm curious.

ezrunner 04-26-2008 02:05 PM

Wirelessly posted (life goes on! yes it is tough)

Nope at the time can't be done

yigalweinstein 04-27-2008 02:30 PM

Telling me something can't be done doesn't help me very much. However with your experience here at the forums, judging by the number of posts you have contributed, I am willing to judge more likely than not that what you wrote is really the current state of *nix/BB support in this area. However I was hoping for, but I did not explicitly ask for (so I certainly cannot blame you for your terse answer), for a knowledge of the stumbling blocks of attempting to do this. If anyone would be so kind as to tell me what problems exist in attempting to upgrade from a *nix I would be ever so greatful.

Sith_Apprentice 04-27-2008 02:37 PM

the ONLY software that allows for an OS update has to be run on Windows. There is no Linux/Unix/Mac support at this time. The Desktop Manager software requires an installation of Windows to run. Going forward the device will be able to update OTA, but it cannot at this time.

yigalweinstein 04-27-2008 02:56 PM

So an emulator, like WineHQ, is simply not developed enough for all processes RIM requires to take place at an upgrade at the moment?

Sith_Apprentice 04-27-2008 02:58 PM

That would be my assumption yes. I am sure someone out there with better programming skills than I can create the emulator, or alter it, so that it *could* run, but my understanding at this time is that it cannot.

rivviepop 04-28-2008 05:13 PM

One main issue stems from the use of the USB driver for the device, there is no documentation as to the protocols used; several very well versed developers (read: kernel module maintainers) have been trying to get RIM to provide documentation; to my knowledge, nothing has been given over. Most assuredly there are some other things in the way (the more high level items on the command/response structure, for instance) that are also not released to the public; these border on intellectual property rights I bet.

Several groups and/or individuals have been working on reverse engineering the protocols used and have many things working (see the Barry suite of tools), but the process of upgrading an OS is quite a ways beyond a simple chatter to and from the device. It may happen in the future (where there's a will, there's a way) but as a non-programming nerd you're going to get nowhere by thinking just using Wine will do the job. It's far, far more complicated and out of the reach of mere mortals at this stage.

yigalweinstein 04-29-2008 08:27 PM

I realize the limitations, capabilities, what ever one wants to call them of Barry and I also am on the periphery of understanding the usb driver issues but it just never made sense why an emulator could never do what Windows did. I get it now. The thread was created out of an interest in understanding the current situation in upgrading the OS in Linux. I program, not very well mind you, but as is the problem with everyone these days I have no time.

In any event thank you rivviepop for shedding light on OS upgrading, as I am strictly a GNU/Linux user - the BB was a poor choice for my needs but Barry has made it at least tolerable and midpssh etc. all help to make it a worthwhile product regardless of its limitations.

thanks again

Dinan3 05-13-2008 03:42 PM

As much as i love using linux, this is the reason why i dual boot and the ONLY reason i go into windows.

jsntrenkler 07-03-2008 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by Dinan3 (Post 928685)
As much as i love using linux, this is the reason why i dual boot and the ONLY reason i go into windows.

Same here, on both my Linux and OS X machines ... The only reason I keep windows around is primarily because of my blackberry.

jorno_be 07-10-2008 04:05 PM

i have a windows xp machine running under vmware and use the desktop manager in there. just make sure you have Barry installed/configured.

yigalweinstein 07-13-2008 03:48 PM

jsntrenkler, are you saying you can do firmware upgrades with the blackberry desktop manager via xp as virtual machine? Please confirm, as if so, this is the route I will take.

budjo 07-15-2008 08:56 PM

Just a tought, in windows we have javaloader to do some task for blackberry. Probably we can make it works on linux? Load application, wipe etc...?

JoelM 07-30-2008 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by yigalweinstein (Post 912530)
I realize the limitations, capabilities, what ever one wants to call them of Barry and I also am on the periphery of understanding the usb driver issues but it just never made sense why an emulator could never do what Windows did.

Lets remember that Wine is not an emulator but a Win API layer...

berry much 12-09-2008 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by yigalweinstein (Post 1014719)
jsntrenkler, are you saying you can do firmware upgrades with the blackberry desktop manager via xp as virtual machine? Please confirm, as if so, this is the route I will take.

it should be possible, using the vmware usb passthrough option

*&)) 12-14-2008 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by Dinan3 (Post 928685)
As much as i love using linux, this is the reason why i dual boot and the ONLY reason i go into windows.

I think this is true to most Linux users that dual boot or keep a vm session on hand. This is certainly the case for me. I dream every night that I will wake up to read that glorious post that some great development team save given me back that four GB of wasted partition space. A guy can dream!:cry:

mariner 12-14-2008 07:43 AM

Also, the only way I've seen the updates delivered is through a windows executable. For this to be useful on linux, someone has to have windows to break out and repackage the content.

I only need the BBDM for updates. I install most apps OTA and sync all content OTA with my corporate BES.

cryogenic 01-08-2009 03:42 PM

I'm in the same boat.. I have a couple of Linux machines and a Mac. No windows machines, so I just run a VM on my MBP for backup/sync and OS upgrades. Works OK, though I would much rather see actual Linux & Mac support from RIM. I won't hold my breath, though

Spankypoo 01-21-2009 05:14 AM

Yeah, it works fine in VMWare.

Nicklas 01-21-2009 07:21 AM

Firmware update with Linux

After having developped bjavaloader (in the barry project), I'm intend to develop bfupdate... (barry firmware update)

I have already some USB traces (get USBsnoop for Windows).

But I need a lot of USB traces to be able to write a robust application (firmware update is critical !)

Can you make USB traces and join a README with :
Blackberry product used : xxx
OS intial : xxx (before the firmware update process)
OS final : xxx (after the firmware update process)
Then publish these traces on a web site :)



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