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stompingyourface 08-22-2012 02:15 PM

How Do I Get Bbm Msgs Off The Phone!!!???
Please help me!!
We are involved in a court case, where a mother is trying to take my boyfriend's son away from him. She has sent many condemning messages to him, and if we could print them, we could prove she had no right to take this 5 year old boy, who has been missing his father since the last time he was able to see him in March. I have tried sending them through email, but it does not allow it. Even if we have to pay someone from kodoo to have them sent we would do that, but have had no luck contacting anyone. People must be able to do this!! If you know what i am talking about, Please EMAIL ME ASAP!!! Lacy_starr at ... Thank You. Sorry it wouldn't let me URL my email LOL

aiharkness 08-22-2012 02:43 PM

Re: How Do I Get Bbm Msgs Off The Phone!!!???
If you have closed the chat, I'm not sure what you can do, with or without a court order. As far as I know, you will need a court order, subpoena, or whatever to get anything from the carrier like this; just you asking won't do.

But if the chat is still open on the BlackBerry you can email it. Just open the chat and select Email Chat from the menu.

Also, if enabled, chats will save to either the device or the media card, according to the selection.

Just to be safe, before you do anything, do a full backup of the device. Likewise (so far as I know) any chats that were opened at the time will have been saved in any past backup files.
Posted via Mobile

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