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lewis123 11-29-2008 07:12 PM

Any way to get Personal mail on my work BB?
Hello all,

My BB is linked with our work BES server, so I get my work email on the device. Is there any way to get my personal (IMAP) mail on my BB?

Unfortunately, I can't register the device for BIS as well as BES. I tried adding my personal account to a GMail account and downloaded the GMail App for BB, which worked, but it screwed up all my unread marks so I can't stick with this option.

So, any way to get my mail to the device using some sort of BB Application? Is there a special IMAP App for BB?

Thanks all!

John Clark 11-29-2008 07:15 PM

Every device should be able to do BIS and BES together. Your BES Admin can force outgoing BIS mail through your BES mail but they can't stop incoming BIS mail.

Just set it up via BIS.

John Clark 11-29-2008 07:16 PM

Also, GMail can be setup for IMAP. Look in your Gmail mailbox for setup instructions.

Dubdub 11-29-2008 10:24 PM

You might be able to do and you might not. It depends upon the IT Policy that the company has pushed to the BB.

I would talk to the BES Admin and see what is allowed and what isn't, especially if this is a company supplied and paid for BB.

rambo47 11-29-2008 10:29 PM

Your other choice is to have your other mail forwarded to your BES email address. You won't be able to reply via your outside email address but you will at least get the email delivered. And of course the BES admins will see it.

First thing to do is to check with your IT guys. Circumventing IT policies is often grounds for dismissal. Best to work with them, not around them.

lewis123 11-30-2008 09:28 AM

Thanks all, indeed it is a work paid for BB device and service. I'll have a chat with our BES admin next week and report back...

I did try signing up for BIS both on the phone and online with Vodafone UK (our service provider), but they say it can't be done as it's an enterprise BB....

Thanks again though, guys.

lewis123 12-01-2008 06:28 AM

Thank you all again for your help... GOOD NEWS!

I rang Vodafone again this morning, and it turns out my account hadn't been setup for 'dual-provisioning', despite them saying it was last week. Once they'd updated the setting at their end, I immediately had a new icon on my BB to setup BIS mail and it all works! Yay!

Thanks again, guys!

Dubdub 12-01-2008 08:05 AM

Glad you got it working. But remember, nothing is personal on a BES. If the company wants to see it they can.

If I were you, I would still chat with the IT Staff to see what is allowed and what isn't, especially if the company is paying the bill.

soupandsandwich 12-01-2008 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by John Clark (Post 1188833)
but they can't stop incoming BIS mail.

Actually, that's not true, John.
We can certainly block incoming BIS messages as well.
There's an IT Policy for this.

IT Policy > Security Policy Group > Firewall Block Incoming Messages = BIS Messages

lewis123 12-01-2008 09:16 AM

Thanks again - I've spoken to our BES Admin, no problem with him / the company.

However, it is mighty irritating that my BIS emails although having a separate mailbox, also show in the Messages inbox with my work BES mail. Grrr. Any way round this?

zerog46 12-01-2008 09:16 AM

Empower your BlackBerry with HTML Email Viewer and BES MailBox

lewis123 12-01-2008 09:28 AM

Looks like that could be the ideal answer! Do you use it? Can anybody on here vouch for it as working well?

zerog46 12-01-2008 09:37 AM

Never used it but other people say it works, and it has a free trial.

lewis123 12-01-2008 03:04 PM

Well, I downloaded and it works perfectly! Very many thanks for the link.

Well worth $20 :)

zerog46 12-01-2008 03:51 PM

No problem, glad it worked out for you.

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