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hempnutica 01-10-2010 10:58 PM

i can receive sms but cannot send
i have a pearl and for some reason the send function in my text.. sms is not sending a signal(bell tech determined that) i could receive text but no one was getting my replies or any text i sent out.
however i have no problems between communicating blackberries and the other apps i have installed on here. after spending a few hours on the phone with bell,i was told it's a hardware problem and there is nothing they can do to help me and did i have warrantee? so i just cancelled the feature..are they right? and if so why does it only affect the text i send out sms but yet i can receive sms text and all the other functions work. my pearl os is 4.3:-?

dankarlinski 01-11-2010 12:39 AM

Wirelessly posted (White and Nerdy)

Its software, not hardware.... Upgrade your OS to 4.5 and you should be fine

hempnutica 01-11-2010 10:13 PM

will the os system load right even if i wiped out the phone?
thanks for the info. i will look for a download. i was reading somewhere that if you wipe out ur berry then a new os may not load right? mine was wiped out, is there something i should do prior to loading it ? many thanks

i am not all that computer savy but i try:wink:

hempnutica 01-15-2010 05:02 PM

re sms wont send
i loaded in the os 4.5 and i called bell we readded sms feature and tried sending messages , nothing has changed in that i can receive them but my send still wont let the data go.. they insist its harware.. any other ideas out there.. i must say my berry seems to like the new os:) its improved other areas

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