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JJJJJJ 01-14-2010 09:00 PM

Six 8220s in six months...
T-Mobile has sent me five replacement Pearl flip 8220s since June. Two of the problems were the same as flapjack30 wrote about on 11-21-2009, in "The 8220 is garbage" (sorry, I'm not allowed to post links yet), but there've been lots more.

I'll start with the problems, then add some details, and finish with a surprising troubleshooting session with RIM. Bottom line: after so many replacement phones, as you can guess, my opinion of the 8220 isn't great...

- Two days after the end of the buyer's remorse period, phone #1 rebooted itself as I was listening to voicemail. I called T-Mobile to report the problem; as I did, the phone shut off all networks (mobile and Wi-Fi) by itself and the call dropped. One rep suggested that it was a bad battery, but another rep said I needed a replacement phone.

- I've forgotten all of the details on phone #2, but it wasn't too bad... I had it for a few months, and I had a data plan for part of the time (because it was required to get the rebate). One problem was that the alarms were erratic: sometimes they'd ring weeks ahead of time (say, an October calendar item would ring in August); other alarms didn't ring at all. I got occasional white screens with tiny writing in the middle, so small that it was unreadable; taking the battery out was the only way to fix these.

- Phone #2 (I think it was) had the most serious problem: when I'd pick up the phone to make a call, the screen would be black. Pressing keys didn't do anything. The phone had been dead for minutes or hours; clients who'd tried to call me got my voicemail. The only thing to do was to take out the battery. A T-Mobile rep said that a newer software version,, would fix the problem. (The version I had was Unfortunately, I couldn't do a software update from my computer because both of my machines (one running Windows XP, the other Vista) would freeze when I plugged the phone into them. So the rep authorized another replacement phone, which should have the new software version.

The new phone (#3) still had version, so I sent it right back for another replacement. The next replacement (#4) also had At that point, a T-Mobile rep told me that there was no version -- at least not for T-Mobile phones. Phone #4 also had a trackball that was hard to press. So, I sent it back... I still had phone #2.

- Phone #2 kept having black-screen problems. I eventually got to RIM tech support. The rep said he'd never heard of that problem; he checked with his colleagues too. So we re-installed all the software, etc. No help; the phone did it more -- from time to time, sometimes a few times in a week, other times infrequently. I asked clients not to call my cell phone anymore, and I got Google Voice instead. (A great free service, by the way!)

- Phone #2 finally did something that made me ask for another replacement. It was sitting in a shady spot, not being used. When I picked it up, it was quite warm to the touch: warmer than when it's charging. I wondered whether it might get hot enough to cause a fire? The T-Mobile rep authorized another replacement phone.

- Phone #5 had the same black screen problem. RIM tech support helped me re-install the software, etc. They also had me set logging in debug mode so that, if the phone froze again, they'd be able to see the logs and maybe find out why. (But see the surprising end of the story, below...) By this time, I'd given up on all of the apps; I was only using the phone to make calls, take photos, and set a few alarms for things I needed to do that day.

- I actually can't remember :? why I got phone #6. Maybe it was the black screen problem. Anyway, phone #6 had a defective camera; the right side of every photo was out of focus. (I do a lot of photography; it wasn't "operator error.") So I sent phone #6 back; now I have phone #5.

- I got a black screen a couple of days ago on phone #5. I called RIM tech support, and the rep walked me through the steps to download the log onto my laptop so I could email it to them. As it turns out, though, the log can't be downloaded while the phone is frozen... and taking the battery out (to fix the frozen phone) erases the log! So the rep had me reinstall software (for the umpteenth time), removing a lot of apps (including lots of built-in apps that I don't use), resetting the phone to factory settings. Then the surprising part:

He marked the case "resolved" -- even though we had no answer for the black-screen problem, and (for me, at least) not much confidence that it wouldn't happen again.

Although I really like the 8220's size -- and, though I don't use most of the BlackBerry features (I just want to make calls over UMA) -- it sounds like T-Mobile may allow me to swap phone #5 for a different, bigger model. I'm hoping for better luck on phone #7 (actually, #8: I had one 8900 before I got the first 8220).

Think twice before you get an 8220!

[Details: I got a new SIM card in June. I don't have a data plan or use text messaging. The only apps I use are built-in (calendar, camera, browser via Wi-Fi); I don't have any other apps installed. I don't transfer data from one phone to the next; each phone is factory-reset, and I keep my contacts on the SIM card. I use UMA calling all the time because I don't have good mobile network coverage at home... but the problems have also happened away from home, when I'm not on UMA. I have an 8 GB media card.]

zerog46 01-14-2010 09:07 PM

Moved to rants and raves.

Noodle22 01-14-2010 10:18 PM

When they first came out I heard of issues with the 8220 from customers, but now not so much.

I don't like the phone personally, I just don't see BlackBerry as a flip phone.

Best of luck in whatever the outcome is!

JSanders 01-14-2010 11:55 PM

Wow, why would you go from the 8900 to the 8220 :(

And why keep your contacts on the SIM card, that really limits you.

JJJJJJ 01-15-2010 12:28 PM

@JSanders, I switched to the 8220 because I want a phone to talk on, because the 8900 was too big to fit in my pocket, and because the apps on my 15-year-old (!) PDA, the HP 200LX, did so much more of what I needed than most of the BB apps.

Keeping contacts on the SIM card made it easy to switch back to my old Samsung phone when I needed a really reliable phone for, say, a road trip. And it meant that I didn't need to transfer any data from old 8220s to newer ones -- which meant that each phone could be "clean", factory-reset, without any possibly-corrupted data from the old phone causing similar problems in the new phone.

NJBlackBerry 01-15-2010 12:43 PM

Sorry - six phones in six months indicates that to me that there is more than a problem with the phone.

My 17 year old daughter doesn't even go through 8220s like that. In over a year she's had two.

jsconyers 01-15-2010 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry (Post 1547821)

Are you? :razz:

NJBlackBerry 01-15-2010 01:04 PM

No, not really! After the second or third return T-Mobile should have suggested an alternative.

JJJJJJ 01-15-2010 08:32 PM

I've left out lots of details. I didn't want to "rant" (this post was moved from 8200 to Rants and Raves), so I'll stop after this reply. I just wanted to document the problems I've had in case it helps companies and customers.

@NJBlackBerry, T-Mobile offered a few different replacements. One didn't have UMA calling (a must for me), one had a keyboard that was too small for my fingers (and eyes), and one required a $300/year data plan that I don't need. It sounds like they'll have more alternatives soon, though.

NJBlackBerry 01-15-2010 10:03 PM

Check out the 9700.

JSanders 01-15-2010 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry (Post 1548129)
Check out the 9700.

If the 8900 was too big for a pocket, the OP won't like the 9700 either -- I suspect.

But both are much better devices, studier, and nicer, too. But the OP has pocket needs :(

I'd love to know what apps on his 15 yo PDA are so vital.

SteveO86 01-15-2010 11:37 PM

BlueTooth headset? The phone can't be bigger then the pop-tart/8830 can it? A bluetooth headset was how I got over the size of the phone and it's more convenient since it's hand free :)

JJJJJJ 01-16-2010 01:10 PM

My seventh 8220... is an 8520

Originally Posted by JSanders (Post 1548159)
I'd love to know what apps on his 15 yo PDA are so vital.

I was going to stop posting on this thread, but T-Mobile just offered me an 8520 with no data plan (because I wasn't required to have a data plan before). After RIM closed the case on my black-screen problems, I'll try the 8520... and check out BB apps instead of my old PDA. Here are the HP200LX apps I use. if you have suggestions for ways to do this on a BB, I'd be glad to hear!

- I can save calendar/to-do entries in separate files (monthly, yearly, ...) and keep them on the media card (so I have 15 years' worth of data with me). I can search all those files and open any of them from the calendar app to view previous calendar entries. Very handy on the road.

- Pocket Quicken lets me keep track of expenses, then transfer them to Quicken on my desktop PC.

- Built-in database lets me build lists with whatever fields I want, save in multiple files, password-protected, select and clip out fields in any format.

- Customize contact list to have the fields I want, in whatever order and layout.

- Write custom macros to automate operations in all other apps.

- There's no difference between storing files in device memory or on the media card, so I can keep a complete history of all my files for 15 years on the media card... save, search, and restore any files for any apps at any time (without needing a separate computer where I'd "synced" the data).

Thanks for any advice.

Noodle22 01-16-2010 04:16 PM

8520 is a good phone, I love mine :) (though it's the only BlackBerry I've ever owned..)

SteveO86 01-16-2010 05:56 PM

I'm sure you are/were very happy with that PDA with 15 years of data, but I do hope you have a backup somewhere.

Things break and having that much data with out any type of easily repeatable backup would not be a good thing./

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