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Zeeman28a 04-07-2010 05:47 PM

Bluetooth, Windows 7 32bit, Desktop Manager 5 and my Bold 9700
I am able to pair my 9700 with my Windows desktop. I am using a Belkin F8T003tt USB BT Adapter.

Win 7 Pro 32bit and the 9700, DM 5.0 cannot see the USB device. Yes I have BT enabled, yes my device is discoverable, yes I have desktop connectivity and wireless bypass enabled. No I am not a BES user so no IT policy.

Under Bluetooth devices, no services are listed. I believe there should be services listed. Same goes for hardware. No functions are listed. Under General and Bluetooth tab, most lines say unavailable.

Under device manager, under bluetooth radio, I have Belkin Bluetooth Adapter and Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator and under networking, I have Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network and) Bluetooth Device (RFCOMM Protocol ID). There is a standard modem listed under Modems but it's not identified as Bluetooth or Blackberry and it is working properly, but am unable to query the modem. And under Ports, there are RIM Virtual Serial Port v2 (COM5) and RIM Virtual Serial Port v2 (COM6).

Under device manager, the Belkin uses Microsoft drivers as Belkin does not have drivers for Win 7.

It's frustrating not being able to get this to work. Searching on the internet for possible solutions and so far have only found issues dealing with Win XP w/SP2.

There are no other bluetooth devices connected or paired.

I used to have a Pearl 9100 and was able to connect to my Windows XP desktop using DM 4.2. But now that I've upgraded to Win 7, it no longer works.

So can anyone help?


PS. The above stickies need to be updated to reflect Windows 7 and most of the links come back as unknown pages.

Zeeman28a 04-08-2010 03:55 PM

Well I found a fix. Sort of.

I uninstalled and installed v4.6 which was the DM that worked under XP and it works.

I'd like to know what is in DM 5 that makes BT not work compared to v4.6

Zeeman28a 04-08-2010 06:55 PM

Well that was short lived.

It worked for about an hour and DM no longer can see the blackberry over BT. Weird.

I have built a new Win XP pc and installed DM 4.6 on there and it works. Must have something to do with the Bluetooth stack on Windows 7.

No clue. I'm scratching my head on this one. I've tried other blackberry forums, google and bling. Not a lot out there.

I'll try again next time I get the itch. For now, I'll just have to keep the cable handy.

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