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BillPierce 05-21-2016 02:58 PM

Q10 vibrate not working
I recently bought a used Q10 in very good condition. The only problem I can find is that vibrate doesn't work, no matter what the Notification settings. I ran the vibrate test in BBVE and it fails. So I assumed it was a hardware problem and took the phone to a service centre for repair. They kept it four days and finally called me. They said they replaced the vibrator but that did not fix the problem. They had no idea about the cause. Incidentally, they said there were no signs of water damage and this was very likely the first time the case was opened.

So now I'm out $60 and no closer to a solution. Is this possibly a software issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

tsac 05-22-2016 08:28 PM

Re: Q10 vibrate not working
If your phone does not have a hardware issue I would suggest doing a reload to factory OS and Apps. It is possible the OS is corrupted or one of the apps is causing this.
You can do a backup for any data you may want to keep but try the reload and testing before you reload a backup. If it works then you can load the apps one at a time to see if one is causing this.

If all fails then it may just be hardware and it might be worth selecting a ring tone that wont cause you any problems if it goes off.

BillPierce 05-22-2016 09:24 PM

Re: Q10 vibrate not working
I tried a backup and then reloading the device software via the preferences menu in BlackBerry Link. The vibrator still didn't work. The software release was, just as it was on the phone before the backup. I would try reverting to an earlier version just as a check, but I don't know where to find earlier factory software versions.

Restoring from a backup is something of a pain, as it does not restore all settings, and it takes me about 20-30 minutes of tweaking to put Humpty Dumpty precisely back together again. I suppose I'm wishing for something like Windows Restore, but I guess that's a lot to expect of a mobile OS.

If it is a hardware issue, I don't see how the service techs couldn't have fixed it by replacing the vibrator board. Is there a true Jedi Master of BlackBerry hardware I need to consult? It seems like there are tens of thousands of people who are successful repairing mobile phones today.

I really need vibrate to work. There are times I need to leave the phone on but to silence the ringer. The workaround to select another very quiet ring tone and then readjust the volume both before and after is a time-consuming exercise in frustration. I'd go crazy after about the tenth time that happened in three weeks.

Surely there's a fix for this. All problems *do* have solutions, however much time, effort and money it takes. I have an excess of the first two, if not the third, and I'm not one to give up.

tsac 05-23-2016 10:34 AM

Re: Q10 vibrate not working
I searched for the older software but found out Blackberry seems to have removed all the older versions and requires the use of LINK to do any updates from their site.
You might try the Crackberry site for a version higher than yours.
Indications are the older versions did have various issues and yours may be one but it's worth a try.
Be sure to read the info on the site for details.

BlackBerry OS update files now available for download |

BillPierce 05-23-2016 11:05 AM

Re: Q10 vibrate not working
Thanks for the information. I'll try it when I get a couple of hours of free time.

tsac 05-23-2016 05:29 PM

Re: Q10 vibrate not working
Just make sure you read all the posts for any details and follow the information. I have not used this for updates but seems like a lot of people have.

BillPierce 06-02-2016 09:53 AM

Re: Q10 vibrate not working
I finally got time to try downloading earlier software and wiping the phone. It's not possible to revert to versions before 10.3.2., so I tried both versions and Unfortunately vibration continues not to work with either of these and no additional software installed.

Despite my earlier experience, I really don't see how I have any choice but to conclude the problem is hardware-related. Yet, the service technician I originally took it to insisted that the vibrator is not the issue and he could find nothing wrong apart from the fact that it doesn't vibrate.

So what do I try next? I'm afraid that if I take it to someone else I will hear the same thing and I will be out another repair charge for what couldn't be repaired.

Is there a Jedi Master of BlackBerry repair?

tsac 06-02-2016 08:33 PM

Re: Q10 vibrate not working
You might try a different repair shop in your area but let them know you tried before and what you were told.

But try this link on reverting before you do.

Radiationman 06-02-2016 11:40 PM

Re: Q10 vibrate not working
If the tech was being honest in saying he replaced the vibrator, then it's more likely the mainboard and a single output transistor or voltage output signal (series of smaller transistors that send voltage to a specific device)

Something like this can go bad but the rest of the components still work, in which case you are either out of luck and would have to purchase a new one, or find a tech who has a solider reflow machine and/or the skills and time to fix it. The transistor or component would be super cheap, the problem is the labor.

90% of phones theoretically can be easily fixed if you have the knowhow, its the expensive equipment to do so, and the time/effort people want to put in.

tsac 06-03-2016 10:21 AM

Re: Q10 vibrate not working
You would think the tech would check to see the voltage to the vibrator is on when it should be during a test. A Simple test that would show the issue is not the vibrator and is in the main board.
I'm going with either inexperience or work not really done.

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