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johnnyrichter 01-22-2010 12:55 PM

Thinking about upgrading from 8130 to 8230, have questions.
I've been an 8130 user since Alltel first offered the 8130, and now that my contract with Alltel is pretty much over and I'll now be a full Verizon user...I was thinking about upgrading either to the Storm1 or the Pearl Flip.

Some questions I had about the Flip...

1. Does the phone actually have to be dis-assembled to clean/replace the trackball? If so, this alone will make me not want the phone considering how often I remove/clean the trackball on my 8130.

2. For the most part, is this pretty much a Pearl but in a flip-phone platform? The programming/software/etc isn't all completely different meaning I'll have to relearn as if this is a whole new phone?

3. Do they have a list of common problems, and is that list longer than what one would consider common problems with the Pearl?

4. Is the camera better than what was in the Pearl, or is it the same?

Raptor464 01-22-2010 12:58 PM

wait for the 9130. thats my opinion

johnnyrichter 01-22-2010 01:03 PM

This contract change is happening within the next week, so if the 9130 is out in the next week and has a 2year price of under $100...I'm game, if not I'll stick with my current options.

Raptor464 01-22-2010 01:04 PM

haha probably not. sorry i was just offering my advice :)

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