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Badelli 12-25-2013 05:22 AM

Contact disappeared after receiving a bbm invite
Really looking for help. Been talking to this great girl for about a week on bbm, until Christmas eve comes and she's gone from my contacts. I thought I received a message from her. Turn on the screen, there's a new bbm invite from her in my sent invites list...yes not in my received box.. My sent box. Strange. Accepting does nothing, I sent her a chat invite but so far nothing is happening. I haven't tried declining and reattempting an invite yet. I'm on an Samsung s3, pretty sure she has a BB. I've read enough on Google to conclude that my issue is either rare, completely new, or she blocked me. I don't think I've been blocked but crazier shit has happened in this world. All invites mentioned were through pin numbers. To her and from her.
Posted via Mobile

tsac 12-25-2013 11:45 AM

Re: Contact disappeared after receiving a bbm invite
You can try deleting the contact and then resend her an invite. You said her invite is in your sent list. if thats correct then she did not send it you did. Try pulling the battery to reload the OS on the phone. Try having someone else send an invite to see what happens. Reverse and do the same with them to see if they get it.

If all that works but you still cannot get a response from her, you might go with the blocked issue.

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