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TallPaul86 11-14-2009 04:57 PM

BlackBerry Bold 9000 vs BlackBerry Bold 9700
I had a BlackBerry Bold 9000 when it was first released (august '08 if i recall correctly) and it was an amazing device compared to my 8700g!! And throughout my years ownership before switching to other models listed in my sig, it was a very jekyl and hyde phone - one day it would be the definition of perfect (f*** fast, 3G downloads, general performance etc) and other days it would be hellish (phone would reboot for no good reason, bluetooth music streaming to my car's headunit was hit and miss unless i paused then resumed the track again)

With the above in mind i would like to put all my bad experience with the device down to a faulty unit (as several software updates made no blind bit of difference) so as the end of this month is my upgrade opportunity with my carrier i have the above two models as an option... I am discounting the Storm as i prefer the QWERTY keyboard as opposed to a touchscreen.

Now as for the Bold 9000's plus points: -

1) Amazing screen quality
2) Amazing sound quality
3) Obvious all-in-one ability (3G, Wi-Fi, GPS etc)
4) Overall size and feel

Now the last is subjective - i'm 6' 3" and a bit stocky and this carries onto my rather large hands (or shovels as my ever understanding friends call them) so typing on the Bold 9000 was a haven in terms of spacing, size, tactile feedback and response.

Right now i currently own a Curve 8520 and it's an amazing phone that near enough equals the Bold performance wise however no Flash, no 3G and no GPS do kind of handicap it a bit. However my main gripe is the clicky-clacky keyboard - it's a bit small and therefore difficult to type on quickyl and/or smoothly as well as that damn clicky-clacky noise drives me mad!!

Now basically what i'm looking for is like a Pro's and Con's from current Bold 9700 owners, ideally those who upgraded from a Bold 9000 to give a better comparison.

My main worries are the keyboard as well as the Speaker sound quality and Screen size + quality... when i had my Bold i used it as a mini Media Player on the go (16gb SD Card full of music and videos) and ideally i would like to do the same again ewith my upgrade of choice. The Bold 9700 is a desirable phone however the downsize is the main off put for me at the moment

Any comparison would be grand - i know there are some on Crackberry and BGR however i'd rather hear from those who own one right now from a carrier... This should help me sway which phone i'm going to get

Tom 11-17-2009 09:54 AM

It's a fantastic phone, I am in the same position as you 6'2", with large hands. It takes some time to get used to the keyboard as the spacing is closer, but within two weeks of usage, I can't remember the difference. I use a ipod touch as my media keg, so I can't comment on the screen or the sound quality related to media. However, I feel voice quality during calls has improved. Overall, I haven't even looked at my 9000 sitting on my desk since I got this phone.

BerryHungry 11-24-2009 03:48 PM

I just sent back my new 9700

I just got the 9700 10 days ago and have arranged to send it back today. I'm 6'3" and am blessed with "shovels" too - the keyboards too small for me comparatively!!! I didn't get used to it - in 10 days.

My other gripe - on the 9700 you get threaded SMS (same as BBM), and I hate it!

Stick with your 9000, the 9700 is a fine phone - there's no doubt but if you like the big keyboard stick with the 9000 - the OS's aren't that different + you'll probably be able to upgrade the OS on your 9000 soon anyway I suspect - although I won't be.

I'm not a 9700 hater but I just prefer the 9000. Including the trackball over the pad - which incidentally was broken on my first 9700(it kept pulling to the left, the 2nd 9700 was fine in fairness) - I've had 2 in those 10 days.

Ask again if you want anymore thoughts. (y)

SmoothOperator 12-20-2009 01:43 PM

So overall, there's not much of a difference between the two? If the only difference is a smaller device and a trackpad, a 3.2 mp camera, but nothing else fundamentally different, there doesn't seem much of a point to upgrade from the original Bold.

BerryHungry 12-21-2009 06:12 AM

The OS is newer too but there'll be upgrades for the 9000 I guess. The 9700 runs quicker too but I don't really notice it. You can compare the two on the BlackBerry website. I'm still sticking with my 9000.

SmoothOperator 01-17-2010 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by BerryHungry (Post 1514522)
My other gripe - on the 9700 you get threaded SMS (same as BBM), and I hate it!

Threaded SMS is absoultely necessary if you have a wife/girlfriend sending you messages, and escorts on the side. With threaded text messages, you will never send the escort messages to your wife/girlfriend.

Noodle22 01-17-2010 07:00 PM

Or you could not be a sleazebag and not cheat on someone who loves you.

mrvtx 01-17-2010 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by SmoothOperator (Post 1548850)
Threaded SMS is absoultely necessary if you have a wife/girlfriend sending you messages, and escorts on the side. With threaded text messages, you will never send the escort messages to your wife/girlfriend.

Probably one of the more unusual reasons for advocating threaded SMS, but if it suits your needs...

ArgonNJ 01-18-2010 04:06 AM

Screen and keyboard size are both pluses for the 9000. Everything else goes to the 9700. A better device overall. Trackpad, more internal memory, faster, better camera, newer OS.

TTsoldier 01-18-2010 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by SmoothOperator (Post 1548850)
Threaded SMS is absoultely necessary if you have a wife/girlfriend sending you messages, and escorts on the side. With threaded text messages, you will never send the escort messages to your wife/girlfriend.


Claidheamhmor 02-17-2010 06:41 AM

I just upgraded from a 9000 to a 9700, and I'm enjoying it. The smaller keyboard took me a few days to get the hang of, but as for the rest, I'm really, really impressed. The 9700's screen is physically slightly smaller, but is very sharp. In use, the 9700 feels a lot faster than the 9000, and it doesn't hang or give an hourglass (to any major degree), while the 9000 did so frequently. The additional app space on the 9700 is very welcome; the 9000 with OS 5 barely had enough memory to run. The 9700 also feels more solid (the 9000's back cover was a little flimsy), and the trackpad is far nicer to use than the trackball.

TallPaul86 02-22-2010 05:40 PM

Well guys and girls, thanks for the feedback! Despite the fact my sig says that i have a Storm 2, its kinda 50/50 for me the now regarding what device i'm gonna get...

The Bold 1 has the bigger screen and keyboard as well as being blessed with massive theme and app compatibility whereas the Bold 2 has more memory, better camera and trackpad...

i'm gonna research this more as i intend to sell my BlackBerry Storm 9520 within the next month or so - its a great device but just cant realistically do without the physical QWERTY keyboard...

Cheers anywho 8-)

allessioz 06-30-2010 01:02 PM

like my bold 9000 so much as the screen is big

9thline 09-07-2010 03:23 PM

I like my bold 9000 too. If they made them even bigger, I'd get one!

espresso1967 12-26-2010 11:12 PM

Re: BlackBerry Bold 9000 vs BlackBerry Bold 9700
Love the look of the 9000 but can't beat my 9700 at the current time. Maybe soon will see a 9000 form factor with the latest OS.

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