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aiharkness 03-05-2011 10:07 AM

OS 6 on the 9700 didn't make any sense to me
This borders on a rant, so it's here, but I'm really just expressing confusion.

I finally tried OS 6 last night. I putzed around with it for a little while then went to bed, then woke up early and putzed around some more, and I really hated it. So at about 0300 hours this morning I downgraded back to what I had before. I didn't even want to try to make it work for me.

Probably the single biggest issue for me is it was taking me twice or more as many motions to do the same things, and taking much more time. On OS 5 (and earlier versions) I can do most everything with keypad shortcuts and the trackpad, and more often than not the OS knows my likely next step and pre-selects the menu item for me so I don't have to scroll. For example I can search messages using a saved search with S key > track pad > scroll to recall > trackpad press > scroll to search item > trackpad press > trackpad press > trackpad press (search is already selected) ... and about three seconds after I first pressed the S key I'm looking at my search results. It's a straightforward and rapid process on OS 5. Not on 6.

I will say I didn't even want to give myself time to get the hang of the message search or find out if there were other, simpler ways of doing it. There were other issues for me that piled on one another and made it not worth my while to try.

I liked that one or two web pages that didn't quite work in 5 worked perfectly in six, but that didn't make up for the loss of column view and the 'Z' shortcut to switch between column and page view.

The news reader was way too slow going from one unread article to the next.

When playing a podcast from the podcasts app in 5, the player will stop at the end of the podcast. I like that. I back out to the podcasts app and delete the podcast after it ends, then select another, or close the app, or whatever. But in 6 the player starts playing the next podcast. I looked for a setting to change that, but didn't find one.

Finally, the whole UI concept didn't appeal to me. I'm used to the Zen style theme with frequently used apps on the home screen and all the apps and folders on the 'applications screen. Personal preference, I know, but I had no desire to stick it out and get used to the new concept.

It seemed to me while using OS 6 that I was using an operating system made for the touch screen systems that was chopped and channeled for the 9700. I just couldn't see why it was better or more efficient for me than what I had before.

At any rate, this is the first time I've bailed on an OS upgrade.
Posted via Mobile

dc/dc 03-05-2011 12:31 PM

Re: OS 6 on the 9700 didn't make any sense to me
Interesting, but I could see how it would feel hacked up from touchscreen devices.

rramctd 03-08-2011 01:50 PM

Re: OS 6 on the 9700 didn't make any sense to me
I understand everyone of your neg rants. If it was not for themes showing up so I can make my phone work like os5 it might have been splattered against a wall. Those trays drove me nuts, and the options if not as easy to navigate either in my opinion. That said coming from a 9630 this phone has much better battery life, not sure if os related or phone and battery.

pvdilf40 03-21-2011 07:52 PM

Re: OS 6 on the 9700 didn't make any sense to me
God help me this is my last month as a BB9700 user. After being on Blackberries for over 4 years now and eager for the next OS links to be posted on the BBF device specific forum sticky threads I no longer care at all. I'm completely disenchanted with my phone and RIM. I just need the 9700's battery to last another month till the phone I want is officially released on TMO and then my BB days will be at a close.

Thiego-uk 05-24-2011 05:56 AM

Re: OS 6 on the 9700 didn't make any sense to me
They did change a lot from OS5 to OS6. Im very happy with the OS6, i think it looks sexier and somehow, for me, more efficient. I was never to friendly of shortcuts with keyboard so I guess that why its working easier but I heard from many more about shortcuts complains.
I like much more the new browser and I feel that rebooting time and the phone itself, if not at the same speed, is slightly faster.
One thing is, 9700 OS6 update is beta so that is a minus already on the experience as the phone is not made to fully support it. Im happy with the upgrade.

aiharkness 05-24-2011 06:38 AM

Re: OS 6 on the 9700 didn't make any sense to me
When I got the PlayBook I thought to myself, "I've seen this before." But on the PlayBook it's great.

You are right about the keyboard shortcuts. I do so much just with the shortcuts and the trackpad on the smartphone. Having to use the trackpad to scroll and click so much on OS 6 was a big part of my dislike and frustration.

I'm curious to see how the new devices with keyboard and touchscreen work, how things are balanced between the old and the new, what is kept from the old, etc.

For me, the 9700 with OS 5 is just about perfect.
Posted via Mobile

Thiego-uk 05-24-2011 09:34 AM

Re: OS 6 on the 9700 didn't make any sense to me
I have a long hope on the Torch 2. It should do the whole mix we missing from the devices on the market. Due-core... well that isnt really a big issue as the processor would indeed make battery life a hell and attached to such a screen would make streaming hopeless on the go. Im hoping RIM will answer my prayer.
Cant wait....

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