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markzubld 10-10-2011 08:17 PM

Unable to Display File in Pictures
Hi i recently got a new blackberry bold 9780. Everything is great but since last week my camera is causing me problems. I did not know where else to turn. Basically i can take pictures, the camera loads but i can't see them in my camera folder. All i see is the blackberry icon for photos and whenever i click on it it says "unable to display file" and after that it says the image number on the same line. All previous photos are fine its just photos since last week.

I heard that it my be a file issue as those pictures that i cant view are 'jpg.rem' and not 'jpg' whenever i try to change it though it says "media card is secured by another device. Unable to access encrypted file.". I also heard that it may be due to encryption but this has been disabled.

I would appreciate any help please i just want to start taking and viewing pictures again there's no point in having a blackberry if you can't even see your pictures. Thanks.(y)

rambo47 10-11-2011 06:56 AM

Re: Unable to Display File in Pictures
You need to reformat that card or replace it. Only the original BlackBerry that started the encryption can decrypt those files or turn off encryption.

markzubld 10-11-2011 11:20 AM

Re: Unable to Display File in Pictures
How can i reformat the card then, i just got the 2GB memory card with the phone so replacing it would be a last resort for me. I am confused by your last sentence i am using the same blackberry device. please help anyone.

rambo47 10-11-2011 03:53 PM

Re: Unable to Display File in Pictures
"media card is secured by another device. Unable to access encrypted file." points to a different BlackBerry having created the encryption. You can go into Options > Advanced Options (or Device on OS7) > and either Memory or Security to reformat your memory card. It will wipe everything clean though, gone forever.

Buying a new 2GB card might be better. They're pretty cheap now, only a couple bucks.

markzubld 10-11-2011 10:31 PM

Re: Unable to Display File in Pictures
But it does not say that the "media card is secured by another device" it just simply says "unable to display file" whenever i click on a picture.

Will wiping everything clean allow me to view pictures again though i am willing to do this if it will but if it won't then whats the point in deleting all my files if i still cant see any new pictures.

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