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Wattie 10-12-2011 09:36 AM

RIM downtime survey
Hi. I've set up an online survey about the response to RIMs downtime. It would be interesting to get as many replies as possible and I'll make the findings available when there are enough responses. Thanks. Will you bin your Blackberry?

chavbuster 10-12-2011 09:44 AM

Re: RIM downtime survey
seriously thinking about blackbeery is supposed to be for my work.right royally screwed at moment no emails etc for last three days!not a happy bunny

knottyrope 10-12-2011 10:08 AM

Re: RIM downtime survey
I wont switch, should iphone users switch when itunes goes down?

NJBlackBerry 10-12-2011 10:09 AM

Re: RIM downtime survey
Apple never has any problems or downtime. It is the users fault...

Wattie 10-12-2011 10:21 AM

Re: RIM downtime survey
Thanks for the replies. I thought it would be interesting to see what the user reaction really is to the problems RIM are having. It might be the postings online are mainly from a vocal minority but those who are less inclined to comment on forums etc may be more willing to complete a simple questionnaire to balance the argument up a bit.
A quick look at the results so far shows its roughly 75% of people are thinking of changing with iPhone the favoured replacement. Not surprisingly, only a handful of people are pleased with the way RIM have handled this.

JSanders 10-12-2011 10:23 AM

Re: RIM downtime survey
What's your universe responding to the survey?

And why would anyone be pleased with how it's been handled. The only ones pleased would be non-RIM customers.

NJBlackBerry 10-12-2011 10:24 AM

Re: RIM downtime survey
And when people discover the switching cost they tend to forget about it...

dalewest 10-12-2011 11:53 AM

Re: RIM downtime survey
Survey submitted. I currently also support iOS, Android, and even some Nokia devices, and this outage issue is only a straw among MANY. RIM simply bit off more than they can chew with their BES 5 upgrade, which is still borked in many ways. IMHO, of course.

If I had a choice, I'd kick my BES servers to the curb.

ifonline 10-12-2011 01:05 PM

Re: RIM downtime survey
Magic bananas. What a huge waste of time. The grass is not always greener despite what it looks like from this side of the fence.

rambo47 10-12-2011 02:34 PM

Re: RIM downtime survey
I'm going to audition an iPhone 4s. I did the same with Android, trying both an Epic and Evo, then coming back to BlackBerry. I did it with the Palm Pre, and I'll probably do it with the iPhone.

go1ndr 10-12-2011 02:41 PM

Re: RIM downtime survey
Blackberry by far is the best system out there for business, emails (POP3 or BBS)! The browser is something to be desired but all in all, unless you just want a smartphone for pics/music/non-business stuff, BB can't be beat--even with it's few downtime issues that come around every few years! BTW, heard the new 981- with the OS7 software/browser is awesome! That said---I sure wish they would come back up!!

wellingtonboot 10-12-2011 03:12 PM

Re: RIM downtime survey
This is my first time of experiencing a breakdown.

While I appreciate that there could well be a devastating effect on some businesses, especially small ones, the ordinary consumer must realise that everything at some time or another breaks down, and no matter how one swears, curses, and generally goes off on one, it won't make the problem go away any quicker.

I say this after reading some of the rude and nasty comments on the Blackberry FB page, mostly made by youngsters who have lost their BBM.

One girl was annoyed enough to throw a tantrum when she couldn't sit in class and get FB.

Another schoolgirl decided she was "going to sew Blackberry" if the service didn't come back. Maybe time at school would be better spent learning how to actually spell 'sue' instead of using the BB in class.

However, if there were tobe a problem that became more than a one off, then I might well consider moving on.

Ang x

ifonline 10-12-2011 03:59 PM

Re: RIM downtime survey
Google has gone down before. MobileMe has gone down before. I'm sure Hotmail has gone down before. Heck, even the all-mighty Facebook has gone down before. While frustrating, it's not unusual for computer systems to have trouble once in a while. It is what it is.

LunkHead 10-12-2011 04:01 PM

Re: RIM downtime survey

Originally Posted by ifonline (Post 1749834)
Google has gone down before. MobileMe has gone down before. I'm sure Hotmail has gone down before. Heck, even the all-mighty Facebook has gone down before. While frustrating, it's not unusual for computer systems to have trouble once in a while. It is what it is.

Agree.... I am not all that worried about it.... Now if it drags on I will be but I doubt it will...

Wattie 10-12-2011 09:44 PM

Re: RIM downtime survey
Thanks to those who have filled in the survey. I'm hoping to put some visualisations together with the data tomorrow.

NJBlackBerry 10-13-2011 05:22 AM

Re: RIM downtime survey
I'm sure it will be statistically relevant.

Yesterday CNN did a poll asking "Were you impacted by the BlackBerry Outage". Close to 80% said no.

Wattie 10-13-2011 03:43 PM

Re: RIM downtime survey
Here's a visualisation of the results Will you bin your Blackberry? Survey results

penguin3107 10-13-2011 03:48 PM

Re: RIM downtime survey
"88 people responded giving a snapshot of customer satisfaction over three days..."

IMO, that's not nearly enough of a sample size to draw any conclusions.
As NJBlackBerry indicated earlier... this is statistically irrelevant.

rambo47 10-13-2011 04:53 PM

Re: RIM downtime survey
I would be interested to see how many folks say they're considering switching away from BlackBerry in a study that was not related to the outage compared to those that responded to your study. I'd wager that the percentages would be pretty close. I also think far fewer actually change than such a study indicates. Users may be "considering" a switch, but when it comes time to put down the tried-and-true BlackBerry solution they're so familiar with in favor of some trendy unknown solution I bet most don't ever actually make the change.

I've tried almost every new platform that's come along and I've always gone back to BlackBerry. Once I try the iPhone I can say I've tried 'em all.

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