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BBFinder 03-25-2009 02:17 AM

What behavioral factors influencing you to use BlackBerry?
How do you feel about the brand of blackberry?

Do you think they are any cultural, social, personal or psychological factors that make you buy BlackBerry instead of other handheld-devices?

mendez777 03-25-2009 04:19 AM

Wirelessly posted (8100™)

Maybe for someone blackberry is a status symbol, for others get push to use by job reasons....that device and BIS/BES services are the best way to communicate with all our contacts.

Having in hand let you feel not alone.

david9962000 03-26-2009 10:07 PM

I like the professional image that Blackberry's have.

unclefester 04-20-2009 11:36 PM

I do lots of texting so i really appreciate the QWERTY keyboard on my Curve 8320, its ability to hold LOTS of messages in the inbox, and the threaded messages. I personally dont have internet or email service on my berry but im not complaining. Its a solid phone and i have never had any problems with it or my Pearl 8100. I will most likely be sticking with Blackberry in the future.

killers72888 04-22-2009 04:34 PM

Wirelessly posted

I first went blackberry when I turned 18 and went to tmobile and I only liked the 8100 from pics I saw never touched and after I had it for a while I became to love the device and later on when the curve came to tmobile I bought it and loce it even more. Now I'm with att and have a 600 dollar phone for only personal use no busines for work and I love it more than any phone on the market. I was really considering getting an iphone when I went to att but I just love everything bb has to offer and I love the batter life it has beats all other phones and qwerty keyboard for the win!!!!

Dawg 04-22-2009 05:00 PM

I was forced to use a blackberry for my job some 6 years ago and now i just cant find a suitable replacement, I have tried them all but nothing beats my BB

ndub33 04-22-2009 05:44 PM

Similar to Dawg, only I wasn't forced to use one...a co-worker gave me their used one, and I was totally hooked. Really nothing social or psychological involved, it just is the most efficient device out there for my needs.

Having said that, I do take a great deal of pride in being a member of the community here at BBF, and I am sure that this factors into my loyalty towards the product.

rasmith3530 04-26-2009 11:04 AM

I'm not into all that "status" junk, I just want a phone that works. I had a Motorola Q that I liked, but it didn't do everything that I wanted it to, so I swapped it out for HTC's PPC6800. This phone got modified extensively with an updated Bootloader, Radio, and ROM. I thought that the touch screen would be the cat's behind, but alas, it wasn't. It was very difficult to use the slide-out keyboard one-handed, and the on screen keyboard was useless without the stylus.

I started looking at the Curve and liked what I was seeing. US Cellular, my carrier, was close to releasing the Touch Pro. I gave that some consideration, but took a pass when I realized that it would just be a faster version of what I already had.

I'm now going on my third week with this phone, and am liking the 8330 alot. Again, it's not an issue of brand, it is and issue of function over form, at least for me.

LaPerla 07-18-2009 09:37 PM

Wirelessly posted

I just wanted to have a quad-band flip phone with an analog clock on external screen.I was looking at some Nokia,but then spotted BB flip . I compared 2 phones and decided to give BB a try. I do not regret!

leec81 07-20-2009 07:34 AM

What in the world xxx8220;statusxxx8221; got to do with a blackberry? I am sure you buy a blackberry because you needed; not because it makes you look like someone important and need to stay connected the whole time.

I started on my first blackberry 4 years ago, and I uses it for emails on the road, etc.

MikeLip 07-20-2009 09:12 AM

I'm a geek. That plus the keyboard on my 8330.

akosnitzky 07-20-2009 10:01 AM

I think I look more at need than status

tduffy 08-20-2009 02:03 PM

I need a smart phone that just plain works and that is why I switched to Blackberry long ago.

VibrantRedGT 08-31-2009 03:49 PM

All of my PDA's were Windows Mobile since 2006. Tried the Curve last year when it was released and was blown away by it's simplicity. It just works out of the box well unlike the non stop tweaking of WinMo. I still own other devices but always go back to my Curve.

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