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Horsfall 01-24-2010 07:17 AM

Blackberry 9700 Vs. G1
Hi everyone, this is my very first thread on this very informative site!
I currently have a G1 but looking at getting the BB 9700. Would just like to hear peoples opinions on the BB 9700, and if/why should i go from the G1 to the BB.


Dubdub 01-24-2010 08:27 AM

Have you looked at the 9700 section and read the threads there? That should give you a good idea of the 9700. Also look at the Blackberry and T-Mo websites for specs and features. You can compare the two side by side on T-Mo I think.

As for why you should switch, well that is a personal thing that only you can decide.

Why are you looking at the BB? What features do you want and need? What do you not like about the G1?

dankarlinski 01-24-2010 10:30 AM

Wirelessly posted (White and Nerdy)

I've used both G1 and the 9700(current phone)

The G1 has a better browser and 3rd party apps hands down. The berry has better hardware IMO in terms of solidness and quality.

Your battery life on the berry is about 4 times better than the G1 (no joke)

Email is much better on the berry The g1 has better youtube playback

nykeys 02-03-2010 01:01 PM

I agree with dankarlinski also the ringer on the 9700 is about 4x louder. The vibrate mode on the 9700 kills the g1.

Just turned my g1 on last week. This was the 1st time since November. Still had access to the Apps store and gmail over wifi.

BUC 04-27-2010 04:04 PM

You can also wait for the upcoming models...

Maybe the Slider, or the Storm 9520... take a look at those before you make the jump... It would be really hard for me to go to a small screen after the Storm 2...

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