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wellingtonboot 08-23-2011 01:07 PM

Odd email
Here I am again folks....:?

I've just had an email from Blackberry, giving a few hints and tips etc. Which was very nice of them to think of me really I suppose.

However, my problem with getting the mail is this.

I have 3 mail accounts on my BB, an AOL one, and a Gmail one, and my personal one with Orange.....and I registered with BB with the Gmail account, which I would assume mails would be sent to me on.

The email from Blackberry came to my Orange account, the personal one that only close friends have. How on earth they have got hold of that address beats me.

Any ideas anyone?

Ang x

rambo47 08-23-2011 01:16 PM

Re: Odd email
They send out these "blast" emails with tips/tricks to whatever carrier-based email account you have set up. I don't use my account for anything, but all that stuff from BlackBerry comes to that account. If Orange knows you have it then RIM knows you have it. These emails probably go from RIM to the carriers, and from there they get pushed out to all the relevant devices registered on the network.

wellingtonboot 08-23-2011 01:34 PM

Re: Odd email
Oh goodness yes...I didn't think of it going through Orange.

Panic over...:):)

Thank you Rambo..:)

Ang x

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