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LunkHead 10-04-2011 03:31 PM

The new iPhone 4S a iFlop?

Most think so before it even goes on sale....

Same phone with an iPad2 processor.... YAWN....

penguin3107 10-04-2011 03:46 PM

Re: iFlop?
iPhone 4S is a hybrid GSM+CDMA device.
That's a huge difference between iPhone 4 and 4S... which is very important to my organization, since we're a Verizon shop. We have a lot of execs that will be happy that they only need to carry 1 phone when they travel now.

As with all Apple releases, this device will follow the normal reaction cycle.
1. Disappointment
2. Bashing
3. Acceptance
4. Mass adoption


Originally Posted by LunkHead (Post 1748242)
The new iPhone 4S a iFlop?
Most think so before it even goes on sale....

Most? Who is "most"?
It won't be a flop. If anything, it's a solid stopgap offering til the iPhone 5 is released, especially since Sprint users can gobble it up too.


rambo47 10-04-2011 03:51 PM

Re: iFlop?
No iPhone has been a flop yet. And now that the 4s is a "world phone" the CDMA business users can jump on it and roam to their heart's content.

ifonline 10-04-2011 03:53 PM

Re: iFlop?
Yep. I'm not particularly impressed with the big picture of the iPhone 4S, but there is no way this could be considered a flop. It will sell very well.

Dubdub 10-04-2011 03:54 PM

Re: iFlop?

Originally Posted by LunkHead (Post 1748242)
The new iPhone 4S a iFlop?

Most think so before it even goes on sale....

Same phone with an iPad2 processor.... YAWN....

You sound like a Republican. Already saying No when you haven't even had it in your hand yet.

Maybe you need to run for President or Congress.

JSanders 10-04-2011 04:12 PM

Re: iFlop?

Originally Posted by Dubdub (Post 1748247)
You sound like a Republican. .

Sounds more like that worthless man we have as President right now...talking about something he has no clue about, ready to bash the other side just for the fun of it and without doing any research first.

:razz: You started it.

Sorry Lunk, nothing personal.

LunkHead 10-04-2011 04:29 PM

Re: iFlop?
Hey I only started this to see the replies... LOL

I can care less about the iPhone 4S.. Had the 4 didn't like it, moved on....

SmoothOperator 10-04-2011 07:26 PM

Re: iFlop?
Seems to me that the 4s is more evolutionary than revolutionary.

dc/dc 10-04-2011 07:37 PM

Re: iFlop?
I know that many of the users in my company will jump on it. I don't need/want it as I have a factory unlocked 4 that has been working fabulously for me, but I am sure many other users will.

I would like iOS5 though. =)

LunkHead 10-05-2011 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by penguin3107 (Post 1748243)


This is REALLY getting old... BUT I'd say its better to be original...

Posted via Mobile

penguin3107 10-05-2011 11:26 AM

Re: iFlop?

Originally Posted by LunkHead (Post 1748395)
This is REALLY getting old

Then please post something of value, rather than the typical drivel that usually spews from your fingertips.

Take a hint... this forum was a lot less noisy when you weren't active for a while.

LunkHead 10-05-2011 11:30 AM

Re: iFlop?

Originally Posted by penguin3107 (Post 1748396)
Then please post something of value, rather than the typical drivel that usually spews from your fingertips.

Take a hint... this forum was a lot less noisy when you weren't active for a while.

And you can try to be a little less rude, obtuse, and condescending of the user base....

Please.... Anyone can see that plain as day....

Nothing to see here but your usual rude'ness...



And now back to our regularly scheduled programming....

TBOLTRAM 10-05-2011 12:08 PM

Re: iFlop?
Looking at this through another window: On September 15 my company basically turned off company email to all phones except BlackBerrys on BES. This was done for security reasons. There are a lot of pissed off Android and iPhone users here. I wonder if any other companies may follow suit.

On the other hand this is amusing because the company tried to ban BlackBerrys a couple of years ago due to security concerns. Maybe we should just ban smart phones.

JSanders 10-05-2011 12:11 PM

Re: iFlop?
And back to discussion of the iOS release, not post counts etc.,
On topic...

LunkHead 10-05-2011 12:25 PM

Re: iFlop?
I think Apple shoots itself in the foot by not managing expectations.... Many were expecting an iPhone 5 that would be redesigned (larger screen ect)

While I may agree that the 4S will be a nice device, I think it's a flop at the moment because Apple did not manage expectations.. I do understand the secrecy and all but they could have dispelled some of the rumors thus avoiding the let down of many when only a 4S was announced...

juwaack68 10-05-2011 12:28 PM

Re: iFlop?
I wasn't horribly impressed with the announcement, but am glad that the 4S is a global device, for the same reasons penguin is - execs have one and use it to travel globally.

I know quite a few people who will go get it on Sprint, too. Only time will tell how long they keep their unlimited data plans....

Dubdub 10-05-2011 02:15 PM

Re: iFlop?
Why not just name the iPhone 5? It is just a name.... But I guess some pundits and purists would complain that it isn't that much of an upgrade.

rambo47 10-05-2011 02:50 PM

Re: iFlop?
The iPhone 5 is still coming. And it's going to really peeve some iPhone 4s buyers when it's released and they just bought the latest kit from Cupertino. At least that will be the case for Sprint users, if indeed it is a Sprint exclusive as previously reported.

Dubdub 10-05-2011 02:54 PM

Re: iFlop?
Coming when - June? A lot of rumors out there, which is probably what lead to all the disparaging remarks about the 4s.

TBOLTRAM 10-05-2011 08:10 PM

Re: iFlop?
It will be interesting to see if the death of Steve Jobs will have any impact on timing of Apple product releases including the iPhones. When Apple lost Jobs the first time they ended up going to Microsoft for capital. It will interesting to see what happens this time.

If the past is any indication then Apple has just gone over the top of the hill and is going downward. It will be interesting to see if they pass RIM on the way to the bottom.

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