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hdflstci 12-24-2010 12:00 PM

Need a reliable GPS Tracking Application
Hi. My daughter will be studying abroad in Europe for the 2011 spring semester. We are looking for a reliable GPS Tracking application for her Verizon Wireless Blackberry Bold 9650.

The basic features we are looking for are:
- Support a Verizon Wireless Blackberry Bold 9650.
- Will work world-wide (primarily US and Europe).
- Communicates coordinates via email or BBM (want to avoid roaming txting costs).
- Has a web based interface where we can view her travels.
- Configurable communication intervals (ex; communicate coordinates once per hour, once per 30 mins, etc.).
- Lightweight and does not suck up the battery excessively (I understand that there is some overhead required).
- Easy to follow installation and configuration instructions.

The app must be reliable and easy to use as my ability to provide my daughter "tech support" while she is remote will be limited.

Does not have to be one of the free apps. I am willing to pay a reasonable price for good software.

Thanks in advance for any recommendations (free app or otherwise)!

gambit007 12-30-2010 12:22 PM

Re: Need a reliable GPS Tracking Application
check out the yellow sticky found at the top this section. It covers all known gps applications for blackberrys.
Posted via Mobile

samnyemba 03-26-2011 04:34 AM

Re: Need a reliable GPS Tracking Application
You already have got what you need to track each other u can use the free Google Maps.
1. Just download Google Maps onto your phones.
2. And both of you join and be friends on Latitude a Google application that allows you to share locations automatically - google even has a youtube video of how it all works.
3. On both mobiles you need to activate:
- Data Services
- GPS that activity of going out to an open space on a clear day to Refresh your GPS coordinates. First time around it will take long was 5 -20 mins for me.
4. Once this is done you can find yourselves. And when she gets to europe she gets a local (number) SIM card there to avoid roaming charges and sets up the APN just ask for mobile to be setup for internet or google for the network's APN settings.
5. Besides Latitude's auto reporting of your locations, in Google Maps you can sms/email each other your location. eg
loc: Avenida Julius Nyerere, Maputo, Mozambique(Avenida Julius Nyerere) - Google Maps
loc: Avenida Julius Nyerere, Maputo, Mozambique(Avenida Julius Nyerere) - Google Maps is my location and if u open either in a web browser u can find exactly where I am.

But why do you want to track someone like that. Just let it go, this sounds un American it sounds Taliban like. I went to study when my parents didn't have a phone we only communicated by mail - paper mail. It's like putting someone on leash. Are you a Moslem? Your child will be safe. With current technology its better she gets in touch with her real friends than dad who's so far way to help. This is growing up man just let it g
Posted via Mobile

samnyemba 03-26-2011 05:23 AM

You can also use blackberry Maps it is less intrusive in comparison to Latitude. You find location where u are and send it by sms or email
Posted via Mobile

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