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LastNoteoooo 03-20-2012 02:25 AM

A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
I was posting here on and asking for good general useful advice in a perfectly friendly tone. A handful of - shall we call them "members" here - decided that being really really unhelpful was the way to proceed, even going to such lengths that telling me that because I did not approve of some of RIM's policies that perhaps I should switch to another phone maker, and even becoming rude and insulting to me beyond that.

Seeing as how they were rude and insulting - not to mention completely unhelpful - it seemed that you allowed this to occur here on this forum, and as such I chose to tell these people what I thought of their obnoxious attitudes (no I did not use any foul language). Some of the worst offenders were people who had thousands of posts - were these admin people themselves???

Had I been able to, I would have closed the forum, but there was no such option. Instead I am guessing one of the useless people who posted on that thread was an admin in fact and as such their solution in their pro-RIM rabid fury was to act in a manner that can only be described as childish, immature, retarded, and overall a complete asshole. The long and short is that I was banned from this site under my previous ID.

To make this short - to whomever did that, you and yours are worthless pieces of shit, fukkwads, and I hope you get stabbed in your fukking eye socket and murdered by a random stranger, though I do hope you die slowly and painfully. May you rot in your own filth and may your pants fill with your own feces as you lay there bleeding to death so that passers-by only feel digested by your 300 pound fat-fukk blob laying there, as you reflect on your life and realize you blew it. May birds shit on you everywhere between now and then.

And for the record, I found answers to 100% of my questions ELSEWHERE.
You are a bunch of self-righteous fukkwits with way too much time on your hands. My all your relatives also die sudden deaths and your entire genetic line be wiped from the human race.

and p.s. this website is buggy as shit. But you probably knew that already and did not have time to fix it in between your furious masturbating. Oh and yes I have a million email accounts and I will just keep coming back and leaving message like this, so ban me as much as you want - LOL!!! :D

MESSAGE - next time don't be such a knee-jerk piece of shit.

fukk off and die.

Former member - "AJotr"

Dubdub 03-20-2012 08:20 AM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
Looks like a rant. Sounds like a rant. It is a rant so it is in the rants section.

Dear most Kind Sir, it appears to me that you are in need of serious help and anger management. As such, the authorities have been notified of your personal threats on members here.

mriff 03-20-2012 08:53 AM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
I'm guessing your mother didn't know you were still awake at 3:25 am. I'm also guessing she'd be pretty disappointed with what you have written here.

juwaack68 03-20-2012 09:03 AM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)

I read thru your old threads as your alter-ego (and there's a reason I use the word 'ego') and all was going fine until someone said something you didn't like regarding the BB requiring a data plan.

I'm sorry that you felt hurt, and I'm more sorry that got offended on the internet by nameless, faceless people. But guess what? It's the internet, and you have to have some backbone if you want to play in the sandbox with the rest of the world.

Get over it, and while you're at it, get over yourself.

jsconyers 03-20-2012 09:29 AM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
And on top of what the others said, regardless of how much you dislike this forum, it is still a family-friendly forum. So that language is not tolerated here.

Sounds like you need a hug.

stevetaz 03-20-2012 10:21 AM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
If you hadn't used foul language before you were banned I guess you were saving it up for this round.

Jeepers. Don't wait so long before the doses of medication. They are supposed to overlap in order to be effective.

Good luck......

fourstringfuror 03-20-2012 10:49 AM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
Your rant is so pathetic, it's kinda awesome. Do you work for the government? Only people that do are that unhappy with their lives.

fourstringfuror 03-20-2012 10:51 AM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)

Originally Posted by LastNoteoooo (Post 1772035)


NJBlackBerry 03-20-2012 10:51 AM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
What a schmuck.

fourstringfuror 03-20-2012 11:11 AM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
I thanked him for the morning entertainment. I'll be chuckling about this for a while.

daphne 03-20-2012 11:18 AM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
Wow - what a nasty temper tantrum just because people told you the truth about BlackBerry data plans. Sounds like you never grew emotionally past the 2 year old stage. Do you lie down on the floor and kick your feet and scream when you don't get your way? I feel sorry for your friends and family, if you have any, to have to deal with such a selfish, foul mouthed childish person.

DarthBBerry 03-20-2012 01:42 PM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
That was awesome.
Thank you Todd Flanders.

dc/dc 03-20-2012 05:41 PM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
Jesus loves you.

ezrunner 03-20-2012 05:44 PM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
I am actually speechless

What a bufoon

ndub33 03-20-2012 05:56 PM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
If my carrier was still Cingular, I'd probably be a little irritable too.

ezrunner 03-20-2012 05:58 PM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)

Originally Posted by ndub33 (Post 1772190)
If my carrier was still Cingular, I'd probably be a little irritable too.

Yup Cingular and with an 8130

JSanders 03-20-2012 06:13 PM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
Anger management? Maybe incarceration.
Posted via Mobile

daphne 03-20-2012 07:43 PM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
Locked in his playpen.

TBOLTRAM 03-21-2012 10:49 AM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
Oh dear, did I miss another trainwreck? :cry:

LunkHead 03-22-2012 10:37 AM

Re: A Message for The Admin Here (EVERYONE SHOULD READ)
I'm helpful just take a gander at my ever growing thanks count!

:woot: :woot:

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