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cluelesslama 07-14-2012 06:39 PM

Enterprise Activation with BIS plan
I need to activate a Bold device that is provisioned to BIS. My server is a BESX so this is doable and I have done it successfully on other devices. Unfortunately my provider removes the Provisioning service book as soon as my wiped bold goes online. Generally I can download the Enterprise Activation app from App World. Trouble is that I can't install App World on my device perhaps because it has OS4.5
This article advises that I need OS5 or newer for this.
Does anybody have any suggestion?

http : // docs . blackberry . com / en / admin / deliverables /24176/SR_Activating_BIS_devices_wirelessly_1490676_11.js p

Dubdub 07-14-2012 07:17 PM

Re: Enterprise Activation with BIS plan
OS 5 is what is required and it isn't available for the 8100.

My suggestion is get a newer device or add the BES plan rather than the BIS plan.

cluelesslama 07-15-2012 08:06 AM

Re: Enterprise Activation with BIS plan
God bless you Dubdub for this, but would you be so nice as to delete your reply so that others would not get the wrong idea that my question has been answered?

NJBlackBerry 07-15-2012 09:26 AM

Re: Enterprise Activation with BIS plan
His reply will not be deleted.

Dubdub 07-15-2012 10:10 AM

Re: Enterprise Activation with BIS plan

Originally Posted by cluelesslama (Post 1782705)
God bless you Dubdub for this, but would you be so nice as to delete your reply so that others would not get the wrong idea that my question has been answered?


cluelesslama 07-16-2012 07:58 AM

Re: Enterprise Activation with BIS plan
For reference, this entry helped me with how to install apps from the webstore through the browser by installing the blackberry appworld browser plug-in:
http: // forums.crackberry. com /blackberry-torch-9810-f236/how-download-apps-without-appworld-690678

If it is the Enterprise Activation app you want (like myself) then you can just do a Security Wipe, keep antenna off, start activation, and only turn antenna on when the EA app asks you to. This way you can start the activation before you log on to the network and the provider has a chance to remove the provisioning service book. (which T-Mo does to BIS subscribers)

[And a word to the Lumia fan club: what are you guys doing hanging out in a BB8100 forum? That is so old school and you are bleeding edge. I mean I would not touch that stuff but I read the specs, dual 1.4GHz chip to provide a user experience comparable to an iPhone3... with a mammoth battery, to make it through the day... yet it's not beefy enough to run WP8 so you have to ditch it in October... Way to treat the early adopter fanbase... That sucks so hard...]

dc/dc 07-16-2012 09:08 AM

Re: Enterprise Activation with BIS plan

Originally Posted by cluelesslama (Post 1782795)
a word to the Lumia fan club: what are you guys doing hanging out in a BB8100 forum? That is so old school and you are bleeding edge. I mean I would not touch that stuff but I read the specs, dual 1.4GHz chip to provide a user experience comparable to an iPhone3... with a mammoth battery, to make it through the day... yet it's not beefy enough to run WP8 so you have to ditch it in October... Way to treat the early adopter fanbase... That sucks so hard...]

Check the join dates before you get on someone.

NJBlackBerry 07-16-2012 09:26 AM

Re: Enterprise Activation with BIS plan
Based on your posts here, the Windows Phone 7 community is pleased that you won't touch the stuff.

jsconyers 07-16-2012 12:52 PM

Re: Enterprise Activation with BIS plan

Originally Posted by cluelesslama (Post 1782795)
[And a word to the Lumia fan club: what are you guys doing hanging out in a BB8100 forum? That is so old school and you are bleeding edge. I mean I would not touch that stuff but I read the specs, dual 1.4GHz chip to provide a user experience comparable to an iPhone3... with a mammoth battery, to make it through the day... yet it's not beefy enough to run WP8 so you have to ditch it in October... Way to treat the early adopter fanbase... That sucks so hard...]

A weak argument, really. RIM has done the same thing. The released the 9800, only to release OS7 a few months later and the Torch (or any other older BB) wasn't able to upgrade to OS7, only devices that launched with OS7 were capable of using it. So, to quote you "way to treat the early adopter fanbase"

But, RIM didn't learn from that, they are releasing BB10 in about 6 months, and guess what, only devices released with BB10 will support BB10, so all of the users that bought the new devices to get OS7 are going to be screwed again! Way to go, RIM.

cluelesslama 07-16-2012 04:57 PM

Re: Enterprise Activation with BIS plan

Originally Posted by jsconyers (Post 1782818)
A weak argument, really.


and guess what, only devices released with BB10 will support BB10, so all of the users that bought the new devices to get OS7 are going to be screwed again! Way to go, RIM.

I don't think it was a weak argument, as I wasn't arguing anything.

As per RIM being equally assh to fans, I guess you are right. As per BB10, I don't think there will be one. I mean there will be a new OS because they need to peddle their new devices but I am not sure it will be their own home cooked system. I can much rather imagine a customized winphone distro with most of the apps ported and some played through some sort of "Rosetta'. MS + Nokia + RIM: That would complete the "coalition of losers" :)

Motorcycle Mama 07-16-2012 06:02 PM

Re: Enterprise Activation with BIS plan
"clueless" seems appropriate.

cluelesslama 07-16-2012 06:19 PM

Re: Enterprise Activation with BIS plan
right, this is all just speculation.

that wp-based system might be the BB11 :)

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