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Dee86 09-17-2010 04:27 PM

bold or curve?
may be a silly question but would i be better getting the bold 9700 a few months old or the new curve 3G? now i'm new to BB and had my heart set on the newer curve but i noticed someone said that the curve is the cheap not so good BB and that nothing tops the bold? is this true or just a personal opinion?? really would love some advise asap as i have ordered the curve, but could always change it!

Dubdub 09-17-2010 04:52 PM

Moved to a more appropriate location.

That has to be your call. Your opinion is the only one that counts.

Which do you like? How do you plan to use it? DO you need all of the capability they each offer? Does your carrier support both models?

Use Google to find the real reviews by the "experts". Real our 9300 and 9700 sections. The 9300 is real new, so there isn't a lot thee yet.

Dee86 09-17-2010 05:00 PM

haha where have i been moved to now?! sorry keep getting it wrong! just seen other people where comparing two BB as opposed to a BB and another phone :(

Dee86 09-17-2010 05:28 PM

the reviews are soooo conflicting! i don't know enough about BB's in general to make an informed decision.
i am not a business women so want it for msg's,apps, e-mail, social networking and internet browsing, pictures and generally looking good! (shallow right?!)

lprmcnit 09-17-2010 05:43 PM

My own opinion is that the Bold is valuable primarily for it's international capability. For email, contacts, calendar and tasks connecting to corporate email, I reallylike the Curve. As has been mentioned, the best thing is to go to the cell provider's store and check them out. Hopefully your provider will have a 30 day return policy, so if you don't like it you can exchange it for another one. The other thing to note about the Curve and the Tour is the difference in the keyboard. The curve seems to have independent letters, while many of the other devices have keys that are "smushed" together..don't know how better to describe it.

tmulroy 09-17-2010 05:49 PM

Given your technical requirements, I'd say that either one will do the job. Concerning your asthetic requirement, buy whichever looks better to you. Having had both a Curve 8330 and a Bold 9700, I definitely prefer the Curve keyboard.

yahjoogooleh 09-17-2010 10:46 PM

I would go with the curve just for the keyboard and media keys at the top I miss those :(. I used to have a 8520 curve and loved it now I have the 9700 bold and it's just as good but the curve will always have my heart.

Dee86 09-19-2010 02:26 PM

thanks for sharing all your opinions!!! lots of help! xx

rambo47 09-20-2010 09:47 AM

Go and play with them both. The keyboards are different on the two models and can make a huge difference in how well the device works for you. I had an 8330 with the separate "chicklet style" keys. I couldn't stand it and got a Bold. Such a minor thing like the keyboard style made ALL the difference for me. Other folks have done the exact opposite, hating on the Bold's keyboard but loving the other style with better separated keys.

craigwilli 09-22-2010 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Dee86 (Post 1655891)
the reviews are soooo conflicting! i don't know enough about BB's in general to make an informed decision.
i am not a business women so want it for msg's,apps, e-mail, social networking and internet browsing, pictures and generally looking good! (shallow right?!)

Lol I have to admit, you are very honest
Posted via Mobile

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