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NoAvailableUserName 09-22-2012 04:52 AM

Covers / Skins / Cases / Protection Screens
Are you, people, getting sick of me? :) I apologise.

Having set my BB up (almost), I'm now looking at cases, covers, etc to take care of it properly. And I'd like some advice on what may be the best solution.

Basically, I prefer something that will cover the back of the phone to prevent scratching and the keyboard to prevent wear and tear from all that typing I seem to be doing! I'll buy a Protection Screen separately.

I've seen many solid back covers, but they don't do anything for keyboards. The leather ones are nice, but they're like..holsters only. And then, of course, there are the ones that are sort of rubber-like and engulf the whole of the phone, including the keyboard. But for some reason, I'm not convinced the typing will be an easy task.

Any shared experience will be highly appreciated! :) Thanks so much!

aiharkness 09-22-2012 08:48 AM

Re: Covers / Skins / Cases / Protection Screens
Probably not what you are looking for, but here are my thoughts....

If you are the kind of person who takes care of their stuff and you don't really drop your phones (or get them wet), you would get by with an OEM holster. You could even get a premium holster. If you don't want a belt holster, look at the types for carrying in a purse or that have a tote strap. If a holster isn't for you, disregard.

I'm not aware of products that protect the screen. However, if you are a man, the keys will hold up fine. At least they have in my case. If you are a lady -- sorry ladies -- that may be a different story. Maybe it is the fingernails. My wife a daughter are rough on keys, and paint or surface color gets chipped and scratched on their BlackBerrys.
Posted via Mobile

NoAvailableUserName 09-22-2012 12:52 PM

Re: Covers / Skins / Cases / Protection Screens
I do take care of my stuff, indeed. Unlikely to drop it or soak it in water / wine / beer, whatever. It isn't that holsters aren't for me. I'm just a little worried about the keyboard.

Which brings me to the next point. I'm a lady :) Red nail polish at the minute, if we have to be precise ;) I don't know if it's common for anyone to buy products that protect the keyboard. It seems reasonable to me, considering it's not a touch screen phone. And everything is done on the keyboard. If there will be any wear and tear, I'd think this is where it would hit most.

Thanks for the reply! :D

aiharkness 09-22-2012 01:19 PM

Re: Covers / Skins / Cases / Protection Screens
All I can say is what I observed in my own family. I use a blackberry for a year or two, get a new one, and hand down the old one to my wife. They look still new out of the box, almost, when I give one to my wife. But after a year the finish on the keys is scuffed and scratched. Maybe the appearance of wear and tear somehow is slow to appear and then happens all the sudden. I don't know. But it is the same with wife and daughter, though daughter is tough on phones, too.

However, keep in mind these things don't last forever, and you will want to get a new one sometime in the next two to three (or four) years probably at most. My opinion is you want it to keep working that long and if it shows battle scars, so what. Just my opinion.
Posted via Mobile

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