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MarcinM 09-19-2016 04:44 AM

Unwanted Adds
I am getting adds pop-up on the main screen or when browsing through my menu pages... in other words I am getting adds popping up where they should have not.

I am checking on average 100 apps a month so it will be hard for me to start deleting apps in backwards order -to installation dates, to find out which one is causing it.

1) Is there any way to check which app is causing it ?
2) Is there any way to fix it without starting a new user/profile ?

Thanks for help in advance! ;-)

tsac 09-19-2016 11:10 AM

Re: Unwanted Adds
You can try clearing your browsing history but if your using that many apps it could be any one that is using your info to advertise. Welcome to the new way to advertise. Carriers are even selling your location and other stuff to advertisers. Have you noticed when your near a store you get text messages or other pop ups? The newest thing but as yet no one can figure out how is when your talking about something like a new toy or other thing you start getting messages. Suspicion is the mike on the phones are being eaves dropped on or accessed just like the cameras on pc's.

So give some thought to trying to check your apps and figuring out which one is doing the adds.

MarcinM 09-20-2016 04:15 AM

Re: Unwanted Adds
tsac I am not new to technology as I have been watching it starting from Pentium 75 Mhz, 8Mb ram, and 400Mb hdd drive, back in the day when it was a good machine, through floppy, cassette, cd, dvd, Blue Ray to internet and development of adds, cookies, streaming*.
With adds came invasive technology aka "smart"phones. When we use it we agree to be sold in any possible and available way.
Look at your Router and how many is in your neighbourhood, now think about this
Wi-Fi can map your location in its proximity to around your finger movement in the air, when writing invisible letters ;]
Your ISP knows that, and we all agree on that when we accept to use their service, to which we are limited today @ free* internet.
Now going backwards in history or going through US patent office you can find quiet a few which are describing how to use household lightbulbs to map location of the light, so spying was done in the past too, but today it is more invasive thanks to Wi-Fi and other technologies (Google have global signal... mhm), people allways carry their "smart"phone with them which is in itself wi-fi transmitter.

After a few delete,wait,observe,repeat cycles I have found the app causing it. It was not really an app but free* widget that shows you on the screen current Moon phase and % of illumination.

NJBlackBerry 09-20-2016 06:42 AM

Re: Unwanted Adds

tsac 09-20-2016 01:21 PM

Re: Unwanted Adds
So the problem was what I suggested ....I guess.
and yes WOW ( used with copy write permission)

NJBlackBerry 09-20-2016 06:17 PM

Re: Unwanted Adds
As always, granted.

BonnyCanale 11-07-2016 05:04 AM

Re: Unwanted Adds
In order to check, you have to search the code. Check for the redirect links (that are implemented using intents in the android devices). Other than that, it is not possible to check as there are many apps running concurrently. I have this issue when I have opened many tabs and 1 tab start playing music. This is annoying and I can feel the pain.

In order to check for links, use apk file search. Take all the apps in 1 folder and search for ads for 'xyz' (as an example). You will know all the files that have xyz and which folder is causing, (same as in windows)

tsac 11-09-2016 11:19 AM

Re: Unwanted Adds

Originally Posted by BonnyCanale (Post 1817917)
In order to check, you have to search the code. Check for the redirect links (that are implemented using intents in the android devices). Other than that, it is not possible to check as there are many apps running concurrently. I have this issue when I have opened many tabs and 1 tab start playing music. This is annoying and I can feel the pain.

In order to check for links, use apk file search. Take all the apps in 1 folder and search for ads for 'xyz' (as an example). You will know all the files that have xyz and which folder is causing, (same as in windows)

You do realize this is a cell phone don't you?

HenryBB 11-10-2016 02:13 AM

Re: Unwanted Adds
clear all app cache, browser cache.....
If you can remember which app you installed recently and that may cause the ad, just uninstall it.
If it doesn't work, i think you must install adblocker app or do factory reset

tsac 02-10-2017 06:45 PM

Re: Unwanted Adds

Originally Posted by rozahmed (Post 1818261)

You cannot use the term WOW without first going to the copy write owner and seeking permission. Fees may be required !

owlowl 03-24-2017 05:53 AM

Re: Unwanted Adds
Hello! this complex question. Here it is necessary to think ...

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