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jbazar 09-21-2011 04:59 AM

One night phone bill $1200.00
Hi all,

I am facing this crazy outrageous phone bill from my operator.

So the story is:

I went to a foreign country for 3 days and my phone was on roaming gpsm service which allows me to receive any texts and emails like I am in in my country but with a little higher rate. Phone call is not accessible. I am fully aware of the fact that GPSM service has little higher rate but when I got back to my country I found out that my bill is over $1200.00. I usually pay $100.00 a month so I almost got heart attack. The bills is not about my sms and emails.

I got the detailed phone bill which showed me that one night when I was in different country it charged me $6.00 per minute from 12am to 6am. Every single minute on&off in-between totaled $1200.00. During this time I did not even touched my phone and I was in a hotel room by myself ALONE on a business trip.

My operator is explaining this to me that BLACKBERRY phone itself automatically updates itself and it happened that night. So they said no excuse to anyone I have to pay my bill.

I don't think this is a fair and reasonable answer to give to your customer. And I think this is basically a fraud. 1 night bill $1200.00 and I didn't even received anything in return. Not a single application update or new application.

I am very worried about this situation and I am thinking to file a lawsuit against them. I am afraid because the operator is one of the biggest operator in my country and I don't think anyone filed a lawsuit against them before. They may defend themselves that blackberry phone updates itself automatically and they are in no control of that. I would like to contact Blackberry company and ask their help on this but not sure that they will respond back to me.

If you guys can suggest me anything that will help my situation I will sincerely appreciate.

Any help and advice is appreciated in-advance.


juwaack68 09-21-2011 06:57 AM

Re: One night phone bill $1200.00
I don't think you'll get anywhere with a lawsuit, but knock yourself out.

Did you ask them WHY it was charging you $60 per minute from midnight to 6am?

dc/dc 09-22-2011 12:52 AM

Re: One night phone bill $1200.00
I doubt you will get anywhere with a lawsuit either as it is completely your choice to roam. Further, based on your description of the charges, it doesn't sound like you understand mobile phone technology in the slightest, you won't be able to adequately prove that they incorrectly charged you.

Would you be good enough to scan a copy of your bill and perhaps we can make heads or tails of it for you?

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