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HAPPYTREE 11-30-2013 11:29 AM

New Q10 User - Help Needed On Email Settings
Dear all

Firstly let me apologise if the questions I ask have already been answered elsewhere that I may not have been able to track down properly and secondly, I would of course be indebted to anyone who is kindly able to assist.

I have two questions, hopefully none afre insurmountable.

My Q10 is operating with Software Release (OS Version I assume this is the newest version as I had to update the handset as soon as it loaded.

1 - How do I get my email messages to stay "Forever" as opposed to the 30 day marker? When setting up my email accounts on the Q10, it only showed 30 days and not "Forever".

2 - Despite turning off the "Show sent messages", they still appear in my inbox with a check-mark. How do I ensure that sent emails stay hidden?

As always, I am indebted to anyone who is kindly able to assist.

Thanking you in advance (y)

rambo47 11-30-2013 12:50 PM

Re: New Q10 User - Help Needed On Email Settings
You might have to delete/re-add the email account(s) to get that option to keep messages forever.

Hiding sent messages works for me, but I'm on a different software version (Rogers 10.2 on a Verizon Q10).

HAPPYTREE 12-01-2013 04:58 AM

Re: New Q10 User - Help Needed On Email Settings
Thanks Rambo.

I'll delete and re-add the accounts later on and report back :)

HAPPYTREE 12-01-2013 05:38 AM

Re: New Q10 User - Help Needed On Email Settings
Ok, just removed all accounts and then reinstated them - not one of them showed the "Forever" option.

Any advice?

rambo47 12-01-2013 11:06 AM

Re: New Q10 User - Help Needed On Email Settings
This must be a limitation of the version of the OS you're using. Even my Apple email ( now has the forever option. I'm running the latest Rogers 10.2 version on a Verizon Q10.

HAPPYTREE 12-01-2013 11:59 AM

Re: New Q10 User - Help Needed On Email Settings
As per my first post, is the OS that I have on my device the latest one?

I switched provider from o2 to Vodafone - do you think perhaps its a network-specific limitation?

If so, its a shame and is a deal breaker sadly - I may have to reinstate my trusty BB Bold 9900!

tsac 12-01-2013 04:48 PM

Re: New Q10 User - Help Needed On Email Settings
You need to give more details on the OS level. Also how you moved your email serivce to the new phone.

this link may help

HAPPYTREE 12-02-2013 12:13 PM

Re: New Q10 User - Help Needed On Email Settings
When I got the Q10, I added the email accounts directly from the device itself.

As it is, I have lost patience with the needless complexity and functionality of the Q10 and am going to revert back to my trusty Bold 9900 I think.

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