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ausearch 04-26-2014 04:53 PM

Sync Q10 Calendars, Contacts, Notes
I just changed from a BB 9900 to a Q10. Can't say I'm happy with the experience so far, but there's always a learning curve to conquer.

It was a BIG disappointment to find that the Q10 no longer syncs with Outlook 2007 via the BB Desktop application. I pretty much ran my life that way (that's why they call it an 'Organizer.' )

I've found an AP that says it will sync to Outlook, but it only sync'd my Contacts and Notes...nothing in my Calendar. And it took forever. The Notes are found in the Reminders AP on the Q10, but there's no search function for the 700+ notes that I have. Is that normal for Reminders?

I recall that EverNote may do some or all of the functions that used to be done by BB Desktop Mgr. I realize that it may mean moving away from Outlook as my organizer.

Is EverNote a good solution for my problem? Any other suggestions?

Thanks -

NJBlackBerry 04-26-2014 06:11 PM

Re: Sync Q10 Calendars, Contacts, Notes
Download and install the latest version of Blackberry Link and see if that helps.

dsturke 09-26-2014 03:32 PM

Re: Sync Q10 Calendars, Contacts, Notes
Did that help?

I am looking at replacing my 8310 with a Q10. But now am having second thoughts. Not unlike "auserch", I have patterned my business with syncing my 8310 with Outlook 2007. Not happy that tasks and notes are not synced, but not a deal killer.

is this the case? If I do go to the Q10, do I lose the ability to easily sync the device with my Outlook 2007?

AaronR 10-03-2014 11:21 AM

Re: Sync Q10 Calendars, Contacts, Notes
I just got a new Q10, and I'm still getting used to it as well. My previous one was a 9900 Bold.
I used to run with Outlook, but I hated the mail client so it was easy for me to try and find alternatives. I ended up switching to Google Calendar.
I had a bit of trouble with synching the 10 software with Calendar until I added my gmail account to my phone. It gave me the ability to go into settings and stumble around in there until I could assign both my home and Google calendar to be active.
"Vola" the appointments now synch not only with the phone, but also my Windows Lenovo laptop, my ad and my wife's MacBook.
It sure was a time trap to get it right, tho

knottyrope 10-03-2014 03:34 PM

Re: Sync Q10 Calendars, Contacts, Notes
gmail blocks active sync

what I did is get an email account at, forward all emails to address, install the connector into outlook, then add in email account on my BB10 device and it syncs all with out wires now and outlook is always up to date.

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