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TeriMaeSharp 03-03-2016 11:47 PM

BBM issues
Greetings BB forum! New to the forum, but I have used Blackberrys for years, in fact I have only owned Blackberry mobile phones! So now I have a Z10 that has become very quirky, the speaker quit working all together, I can only hear alerts via my ear buds, and now my BBM is using up my data plan faster than ever. I have never sent a BBM to anybody because I do not know anybody else who owns a Blackberry. It is spiking data usage at very wierd times as well...1:45 Am when I am sleeping middle of the afternoon when I am working. My question, is there anyway that the BBM can be deleted altogether from my phone...I mean I never have used it or needed it anyways. One more clue, when I contacted Verizon about my data use, they said that it is being used in a social media type of file. I do not use facebook, twitter, or any other social media outlet apps. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks in advance for your patience in reading this.

TeriMaeSharp 03-04-2016 11:37 PM

Re: BBM issues
So I guess I have stated my problem in a way that is incomprehensible to anyone. Please allow me another attempt to put it more concisely....In the past 2 months I have burned through my data plan at twice the historical rate. Verizon claims that 70% of the data used is on social media. I do not have a Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest or any other social media account. I do use the browser frequently but regular internet usage only amounts to about 20 % of my data usage. Is my quirky z10 hacked? Is there anyway I can check to see?

tsac 03-05-2016 02:41 PM

Re: BBM issues
Normally the phone does not send or receive any data unless an APP is checking a server or some other thing. BBM is nothing more than texting and unless you have an app running like facebook which checks for updates there is no reason for the phone to be doing anything.
Go to the settings, data services and turn off the data access to the internet to see if is clears up the problem.
As for hacking, unless you are receiving a lot of emails or text messages because you gave your id or cell number out it generally is not something to worry about. You will get a few call scams and if you don't answer them they will most times not call again.

I would check all your apps on the phone and after doing a backup using Blackberry Link ( free at delete them one at a time and check usage. The one causing the problem will show up.

Good luck

TeriMaeSharp 03-06-2016 04:19 PM

Re: BBM issues
Thanks tsac! I sincerely appreciate your help, and I will try the suggestions you have laid out.

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