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MarcinM 06-14-2016 08:20 AM

Blackberry PRIV PC access
Can anybody help me with accessing my PRIV on the PC?
I am using Win 8.1, and both versions(For older and nerer BB devies) of original BB PC software are not detecting my phone.

I have went through troubleshooting for both of the softwares, without any progress.

New device shows up at My Computer, but it is empty inside.

tsac 06-14-2016 05:24 PM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access
The new 10 version phones use LINK to manage the phones.
PRIV is an android and uses other available apps to manage data
You should be able to see the phone in the file explorer as a attached drive.
You wont be able to do much other than look at files added in certain folders.
If you don't have any photos or music nothing will be in the folder.
The OS and other folders are not available.

MarcinM 06-14-2016 05:42 PM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access
Nope. The software you have linked is not detecting my PRIV whatsoever.
Like I have stated in the previous post I tried both of the available bb software options, and neither worked.

My PRIV is wi-fi connected to the same network as my PC.
I am using USB and only STV-100 appears in My Computer, which is empty when opened(too secured?).
I have tried newest BB USB drivers with the same result.

The only way I have found to exchange files with my PC is to upload them from PRIV to drop box, download them to my PC form there, edit what I need then send them back to PRIV via email.
Freaking annoying if you ask me.

NJBlackBerry 06-14-2016 06:14 PM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access
I will start off by saying that I don't have a Priv so I can't test this.
Since the Priv is Android (and not OS 10) does Link even play nicely with it?
Last time I remember Link, it barely worked with OS 10 devices.

This is how I do what you want to do with the Galaxy S7 Edge:
To get the Android drives to appear to the PC, connect the Priv to the PC, then go to the Home Page. Swipe down from the Top of the screen, and click on where is says that USB Charging is underway. You should get an option to change to File Transfer. Once you select that, the Android file system will appear on you PC.

At least I hope so :)

Good luck!

tsac 06-14-2016 06:55 PM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access
I agree with NJ, I was wrong in suggesting the use of LINK. Android devices use other apps that can be found on the internet.
As he states you should be able to see it on your PC. I asked someone with a PRIV and they said things you have added data such as photos are visible

. So NJ's suggestions should be followed.

Sorry for the error reply.

MarcinM 06-19-2016 07:09 PM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access

Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry (Post 1817328)
I will start off by saying that I don't have a Priv so I can't test this.
Since the Priv is Android (and not OS 10) does Link even play nicely with it?

1) PRIV is not only Android because it is merged with DTEK which is Blackberry antivirus that guard everythig you have on your phone/cloud.

2) To access your PRIV on PC you have to somehow avoid triggering DTEK which is in root of the phone software. BB promotes this as a new security technology, read PRIV webpage.

3) I will put it simply once again for those who will again try to explain to me "how to connect your phone and browse through files" -which is not the root issue here. The issue is that DTEK is guarding files. They are the SU(SuperUser) on this phone.

So when I connect PRIV to my PC, only charging starts on the phone and on my PC in "My Computer", STV-100 appears, which when double-clicked is empty(guarded by DTEK, antivirus guarding your file access from the cloud).

When PRIV was fresh with older software for both the Android OS and DTEK on it, which are always updated simultaneously I have had access to STV-100 in "My Computer", when the phone was freshly released.

Since they started updating, nothing is accessible via PC and only file-communication that can be established, must be done through internet (email, drop box etc).

I would call it either deliberate aggressive new BB+Google policy taking away access from PRIV users, or major xxxx-up from their side.

My PC runs Win 8.1 and lastest updates. Its high end gaming PC. I have also 15+ PC experience so if the issue was easy I like "install drivers, plug-in your phone, run software" I wouldn't post it here on Blackberry forums asking for help.

NJBlackBerry 06-19-2016 07:41 PM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access
My apologies. I didn't realize you were an expert.

tsac 06-20-2016 08:33 PM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access
As with all experts, they know everything and are only asking to see if we know 5% of what they do. It is now clear we don't have a clue.

MarcinM 06-21-2016 11:06 AM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access

Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry (Post 1817357)
My apologies. I didn't realize you were an expert.

No need to apologise, I though that majority know how to install drivers and plug in your phone cable to USB slot, and I also though that you had assumed that I don't know this basics by putting me in the minority drawer.

Now it should stay in your head that PRIV is no ordinary phone ;-)
Have a good one & thanks* for trying!

NJBlackBerry 06-21-2016 03:39 PM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access
It is an ordinary phone that isn't selling.
It isn't special in any way. Except the price.

tsac 06-21-2016 08:19 PM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access
Can I say WOW or is it still under copy write?

NJBlackBerry 06-21-2016 08:59 PM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access
All yours :)

MarcinM 06-23-2016 07:47 AM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access
It is not ordinary phone as all it SuperUser access is well guarded via cloud anti-virus. If you don't see its uniqueness that means you have a lot of homework to do before you gonna grasp the meaning of that software.. not to mention upcoming software innovations.
Show me beside newest Galaxy phone, who else is doing that? Who else is guarding root privileges.
Windows 10 does the same thing, and it is called a spyware because of it. If you or me would release software that works like Win10, that would be well known to call it spyware, we would go to jail for it, but MCsoft is too big for childs play. Schools and other institutions are using it.

Instead of reading NJ useless comments I have found a solution to PRIV issue. Yes you heard me, your contribution to my issue was equal to 0, yet you keep talking :] Typical forum user :O

When phone is connected to the PC via USB cable, there is no indication for it but new options appear when user swipe top-down on the main phone screen and Voilą there is an option to pick from: Charging, File transfer, Photo transfer, and MIDI(use device for MIDI input).
Without changing from default "charging", phone is inaccessible on the PC, when changed to "File transfer" you can access 98% of your files.

-The darkest place is under the lamp- somebody said in the past, I agree.

NJBlackBerry 06-23-2016 09:03 AM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access
Wow. Congratulations. You are able to use a phone no one cares about (see today's earnings.

DID YOU BOTHER TO READ MY POST SCHMUCK? It said to swipe down and you get the options. Since you are so full of yourself and your wonderful secure phone, here is what I posted.

"To get the Android drives to appear to the PC, connect the Priv to the PC, then go to the Home Page. Swipe down from the Top of the screen, and click on where is says that USB Charging is underway. You should get an option to change to File Transfer. Once you select that, the Android file system will appear on you PC."

Enjoy your phone jackass.

tsac 06-24-2016 07:20 PM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access
I will bet $.50 he had to look up the word SCHMUCK !!

sounds like we both grew up with a lot of them.;-)

MarcinM 06-25-2016 04:32 AM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access
Yeah NJ you said it, my sincere apologies.
My problem was that there is no indication about additional options when the phone is connected to the PC so one need to blindly swipe down on the home screen to discover those options.
It also is not saying "USB Charging is underway" there is just thunder icon on the battery status when connected.

Look you weren't as useless I as though you were! :]
Schmuck'ing is in my DNA and I have no control over it, deal with it, both of you :P Without you two this conversation would be boring... so Thanks!

Now have a good one and keep looking for each other backside (:

tsac 06-26-2016 10:45 AM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access
We try to keep it interesting

knottyrope 06-29-2016 03:56 PM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access
took me 30 seconds to find that setting when connecting my Priv to a PC

was just like using my Z30 as a USB drive

whhw 08-06-2016 01:12 AM

Re: Blackberry PRIV PC access
Try My Phone Explorer,

at FJ Software Development for the PC (Windows)


for the Priv you get it in google Play Store
look for MPE or My Phone Explorer, best to be run via WLAN.

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