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BillPierce 09-16-2016 01:42 PM

Outlook contacts/calendar sync stopped working
For the past two years I've been able to sync my Outlook contacts and calendar from my desktop to my BB Q10 using BlackBerry Link.

However, for the past three days when I try to sync, I receive the following error: "Unable to access local folders." Additionally, if I go to the settings in BlackBerry Link for configuring Contacts and Calendar, the "Folders to Sync" setting is blank and there is no dropdown box to select the correct folder.

I'm currently running Windows 10 and Outlook 2016; originally it was Windows 8 and Outlook 2010. There were no problems with any of these until now.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the latest version of BB Link (kind of a pain to reconfigure), but the problem continues.

I've become very dependent on having my Outlook calendar and contacts on my phone. I need to be able to resolve this issue.

tsac 09-16-2016 08:45 PM

Re: Outlook contacts/calendar sync stopped working
Your getting further than I have been able to with windows 10 installed.
Microsoft developed a useless mess and a lot of people are experiencing big issues with the software. The latest win10 version ( anniversary edition) is a bigger mess than before. The problem is software that worked with Win 7 , 8 was tested to work with applications. Company's had access to pre releases and were able to modify their code where needed. Based on various blogs including Microsoft own support site the mess continues and seem to be expanding . Microsoft offers no solutions and if you look at the various posts their engineers are offering canned reply's and drop off the posts when nothing works.
Possibly someone else can offer a solution that will work.

BillPierce 09-16-2016 10:54 PM

Re: Outlook contacts/calendar sync stopped working
This news is more than a little depressing. I upgraded to the Windows 10 Anniversary Edition about six weeks ago, and Outlook contact/calendar sync worked as recently as this past weekend (5 weeks after the upgrade). Perhaps I can try reverting back to the older Windows 10 version 1511 (supposedly there are ways to work around the 30-day downgrade period limit).

Basically, what I seem to be hearing is that BlackBerry either doesn't care or no longer has the resources to address this problem. Microsoft may be a 600 lb. gorilla, but dealing with them is a fact of life for developers. It's not a good sign for the future of BlackBerry. We users are getting dangerously close to being orphaned.

tsac 09-17-2016 01:02 PM

Re: Outlook contacts/calendar sync stopped working
It's not just Blackberry, companies such as Intel, NVIDIA and others including PC manufacturers are all having problems. WIFI dropping, display overlap, Task bar not working, USB3.0 non functional. I could go on but you get the idea. Unless company's smack the 600 pound gorilla a few times or suggest users switch to another OS , Microsoft will continue to play stupid. My problem is the LINK issues are also posted on the blackberry ,com support site and even there no one seems to have a solution. I would think Blackberry would at least read their own postings and reply but just as in other manufacturers sites not a word.
This means we cannot do any backups or any adds to the phone via the PC . Not good.
I also have an LG phone and the LG software does not work with Win10 also.

aiharkness 09-17-2016 05:47 PM

Re: Outlook contacts/calendar sync stopped working
What I would have tried first is deleting the sync relationship, restarting computer and handset, then reconfigure sync again. From what I gather, you deleted and reinstalled Link, but I'm not sure what that does or doesn't do as far as the sync setup on the device. So I would connect the device, delete or undo the sync configuration altogether, restart, and create it again.

As far as Link and Windows, I'm also using it with Windows 10, on two laptops, and Outlook 2016 on one of the laptops. So it does work, as it did for you before now.

tsac 09-17-2016 06:52 PM

Re: Outlook contacts/calendar sync stopped working
I have been trying just about everything to get LINK working. when I try to activate it, it comes up for a few seconds and then I get a message "the program caused a problem and is closing"
so far nothing including doing a complete removal including the registry and reloading as worked.
I checked the blackberry site and apparently windows 10 is not supported. this leaves many many users without any way to do a sync or manage contacts via the PC. this is a big issue and apparently Blackberry is looking the other way. the blackberry support site also has users with the same issues and not a single word from blackberry support people except to suggest a reload. It seems they are hoping the problem will go away but checking the various blogs in Microsoft and pc manufacturers it is only growing.
not good.

aiharkness 09-17-2016 07:10 PM

Re: Outlook contacts/calendar sync stopped working
Whether BlackBerry specifically states Windows 10 is supported or not, Link and Blend do work with Windows 10. There seem to many who have troubles, going by the forums, but there are also those who don't have trouble. It's the nature of these forums that you hear the problems and not the successes.

I wish I had an answer for those who can't get Link to work no matter what they do. And this isn't a Windows 10 problem exclusively. There are threads where people can't make Link or Blend work on earlier versions as well. But the one thing I have not seen is someone who tried doing a clean install of Windows, which of course no one wants to do, and I don't blame them.

tsac 09-17-2016 07:34 PM

Re: Outlook contacts/calendar sync stopped working
I use win10 pro and will try win 10 home to see if that makes a difference. your correct a lot of people do not have issues but if the amount of people who do continue to rise with each upgrade then it wont be good.
I'm hoping win 10 home will work. Microsoft built Win 10 to be cell phone like and in my opinion they made a big mistake.

aiharkness 09-17-2016 07:40 PM

Re: Outlook contacts/calendar sync stopped working
I have the Home version on one laptop and the Pro version on the other. The Home version was upgraded from Windows 7, and the other came delivered with Windows 10. The Pro version is also the one I use with Outlook 2016.

If you do find a difference I wouldn't be sure it was Home versus Pro, but more likely something else.

aiharkness 09-17-2016 07:51 PM

Re: Outlook contacts/calendar sync stopped working
There are a couple of things I also have wondered about. I don't run any extra security software on the laptop, just the Windows Defender that comes with Windows. I do use a VPN on one of the laptops, and I have to disconnect that if I want to connect over wifi. But nothing beyond that.

And on the handset, it's stock with some BB10 apps and maybe three or four android apps from the Amazon app store bundled with the device software. I haven't side loaded anything, haven't installed Snap or Cobalt's app. Just the BlackBerry supported solutions.

I don't know if this has anything to do with my good luck or not.

tsac 09-17-2016 08:02 PM

Re: Outlook contacts/calendar sync stopped working
I also use the basic security Defender and don't have any apps on the BB. The problem is Link worked prior to the last two windows 10 upgrades. I did not realize it was not working until a few days ago. I don't even get to the point of trying the phone on link. all I get is the error I posted above. Seriously thinking of trying to go back to the first win10 load and blocking upgrades. the only other option I see is to revert back to 7.
time will tell but I sure hope all the compatibility issues are resolved.

jackmccallum 09-21-2016 05:05 PM

Re: Outlook contacts/calendar sync stopped working
what a mess! the latest 'update' of windows 10 anniversary has killed my BB link AND my Bluetooth. have spent most of this afternoon searching for solutions -- not much to go on so far.

tsac 09-21-2016 09:00 PM

Re: Outlook contacts/calendar sync stopped working
Yes it is a mess.
I use the following to restore some of the basic windows application controls but so far not the added apps like LINK.
I was able to get this from the support site at Microsoft

using windows powershell in admin mode.

Run cmd from admin level
Type powershell after it loads

Paste in the following

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}

tsac 10-21-2016 06:40 PM

Re: Outlook contacts/calendar sync stopped working
Aiharkness suggested a link to fix the problem with LINK loading.

"BlackBerry Link has stopped working" after updating to iTunes 12.5

I did try the suggestion and it did not work. I then tried deleting the entire iTunesPrefs.xml file and that seems to have allowed LINK to load. It did revert back to a failure once ITunes did an auto update but again deleting the file allows the LINK program to work.

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