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btaylor1 03-11-2015 10:10 PM

lock screen text problem
for some reason of late i can't get q10 to display my chosen two lines of text on screen (my email address and work telno) when the screen (device?) locks after some timeout period. instead i get some garbage display of a calendar appointment (which is personal and would never want a "finder" of device to see). any idea what i'm missing! i've done some searching and struck out so far... thx

closest thing i've found but no resolution yet. now maybe thinking this started when i got 10.2 upgrade, i noticed then, then decided to ignore, and only now have again decided i want my lock screen text back!

btaylor1 03-11-2015 11:08 PM

Re: lock screen text problem
tried the blackberry protect idea in post 19 of this thread and for a short time got lock screen text to display, but not fixed yet. too sleepy to mess with this any more tonight

No Lock Screen Notifications? - BlackBerry Forums at

btaylor1 03-12-2015 08:04 AM

Re: lock screen text problem
ps, all i get when screen locks is the following unwanted information (especially for any finder)

Next event
9:30AM (30 min)

btaylor1 03-13-2015 08:51 AM

Re: lock screen text problem
hooray, problem solved! much smarter (than me) friend suggested i add/save some garbage text in first line of lock screen text, and empty/save the second lock screen text. i did that, but no resolution. this morning, however, a lock screen popped up displaying the one line lock screen message (with the garbage text). then i went in, deleted out the garbage text, and re-added second line, and now when screen locks both lines of lock screen text correctly. hooray!

btaylor1 03-13-2015 10:03 AM

Re: lock screen text problem
sigh. spoke to soon. turns out i had no outlook calendar items saved in calendar today, and that apparently was only reason lock screen text went back to normal. i have since calendared a 1:30pm outlook appointment for today at the office, and the next time my q10's screen locked i got the unwanted "Next event" calendar garbage (and neither of my programmed lock screen text lines).

btaylor1 03-13-2015 08:57 PM

Re: lock screen text problem
the answer (double sigh...). i am 53 and have been using 12-point (smallest font i like viewing on handheld). if i change to 11-point, the two lines of lock screen test (along with the officious gerfricken private agenda/calendar information i don't need on locked screen nor want displayed to any finder) come up fine. if i bring it back to 12-point, the two lines of lock screen text QUIT working again. i don't like 11-point (nor smaller), but i'll try for a while to live with 11-point so i can get lock screen text working again. pls, pls, pls, blackberry, get me an option to neuter displaying unwanted calendar information on my locked screen. perhaps a lot of your customers are younger and don't need larger text, but none of us should be forced to display our personal agenda/calendar information on a locked screen. on a locked screen, all (repeat all) i want are my two lines of programmed/chosen locked screen text. i shouldn't have to absorb an uncomfortably small font to preserve those two lines, with a 11/12 decision point, either way blaring out unwanted private information displayed by your programmers without any way for me to turn that off! the lock screen text should be my choice, entirely, with no interference nor additions from blackberry's thought processes!

aiharkness 03-14-2015 09:00 AM

Re: lock screen text problem
Font size was good thinking.

Did you disable Lock Screen Notifications to stop content from displaying on the lock screen?

btaylor1 03-14-2015 09:46 AM

Re: lock screen text problem
2 Attachment(s)
yes, though it was good thinking of that same smarter (than me) friend!

yes, i have "Lock Screen Notifications" toggled off. (see first attached screen shot.) that choice seems to be a total waste of time for me. in addition to the unwanted personal agenda/calendar information displayed on my lock screeen, i also get unwanted visual notifications of new email messages. (see second attached screen shot.)

i read for a living pretty much all day. it is frustrating (to say the least) tha in order to display my chosen Lock Screen Message (for a finder at airport or anywhere else), i have to dial down my font low enough to make my eyes even more tired so blackberry's programmers can display my private information over my wishes and choices

man, i don't feel like digging more to restore even MINIMAL functionality to my "choice" to toggle "Lock Screen Notifications" off... any clear-eyed suggestions appreciated! and thx

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