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perlsyntax 08-23-2009 10:33 AM

Blackberry rim 7290 prob
How can i delate the name in the adderss book on my blackberry rim 7290 with linux and how can i connect my blackberry so i can share ile and add file on it and how can i get the internet to work on it?:?

I useing ubuntu 9.04

berry_blue 09-07-2009 02:47 AM

hey perlsyntax,

I'm not really understanding your question. Are you asking how to delete an entry from your blackberry phonebook using the commandline (barry etc..)?

And when you ask how to connect so you can share files. Have you enabled Mass Storage in your options on the bb. And if you have, does Jaunty see it ("lsusb")?

As for internet. For the bb to recieve internet you must have a bb data plan. And for the bb to be used as a modem ( at least with Verizon) you must have that attribute activated on your data plan and then follow one of the few tutorials on tethering located in this forum.

I'm sorry if i havent answered your question, but if you can be a little more precise with what you need, i'm sure the answer will be given.

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