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SimonMac 08-16-2007 10:20 AM

DB Upgrade Failed. Error Executing SQL statement
I'm trying to sort out my post SP4 install that went tits up and am getting

"DB Upgrade Failed. Error Executing SQL statement"

Looking at the Tech Support it mentione a cause of this could be that the MDSS and MDSS_Dis databases already exist

If i delete these dB's what will happen to the other servers that are already using MDS?

blackberry1 08-16-2007 02:05 PM

Look up the db_install logs and post the last 10 lines from the logs.
This error can be caused due to various different reasons.

x14 08-16-2007 02:44 PM

We don't use MDSS but I've seen that error. The account you are using may not have enough permission run the sp. I usually bump the account up to System Administrators when I do a SP or upgrade.

blackberry1 08-16-2007 04:11 PM

To install MDS Services and create the MDSS database you need to be using a SA account and need to have mix mode auth enabled on BES

However I am still interested to know what does th db_install logs say..

hdawg 08-16-2007 08:50 PM

Yes yes yes, post the loggies :) !

SimonMac 08-20-2007 03:36 AM

Not sure which is the db_install log but:


[30000] (08/16 16:20:27.875):{0x398} Processing file 4.1\UpgradeV20060502.sql
[30000] (08/16 16:20:27.875):{0x398} GetScriptDir - Scripts loading from: C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\ConfigUtil\db\AGDatabases\server\DBInstallScripts\SqlServer\
[30000] (08/16 16:20:27.875):{0x398} Replacing variables in [C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\ConfigUtil\db\AGDatabases\server\DBInstallScripts\SqlServer\4.1\UpgradeV20060502.sql]
[30000] (08/16 16:20:27.875):{0x398} Executing file [C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\ConfigUtil\db\AGDatabases\BES_SQL_Generated\UpgradeV20060502V070816162026.sql]
[30000] (08/16 16:20:27.875):{0x398} SQL being executed:
 USE "mdss"
[30000] (08/16 16:20:27.875):{0x398} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect:  Changed database context to 'mdss'.
[30000] (08/16 16:20:27.875):{0x398} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (08/16 16:20:27.875):{0x398} SQL being executed:
if not exists(select name from sysobjects where xtype='U' and name='FEATURE_VERSION')
      NAME varchar(256) NOT NULL,
      MIN_VERSION  varchar(128),
      MAX_VERSION varchar(128),
      CURRENT_VERSION varchar(128),
      DEVICE_ID bigint NOT NULL,
[30000] (08/16 16:20:27.875):{0x398} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (08/16 16:20:27.875):{0x398} SQL being executed:
if not exists(select name from sysobjects where xtype='F' and name='relationship28')
[30000] (08/16 16:20:27.890):{0x398} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (08/16 16:20:27.890):{0x398} SQL being executed:
DECLARE @id bigint;
OPEN tmp_cursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM tmp_cursor INTO @id;
                      VALUES (@id, 'Discovery', '1.1.0', '1.1.0', '1.1.0');
                      VALUES (@id, 'Provisioning', '1.1.0', '1.1.0', '1.1.0');
                      VALUES (@id, 'System', '1', '1', '1');
                      VALUES (@id, 'Transport', '1', '1', '1');
                      VALUES (@id, 'Security', '1', '1', '1')
[20000] (08/16 16:20:27.890):{0x398} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 23000 Native error: 2627 Message: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_FEATURE_VER'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'FEATURE_VERSION'.
[30000] (08/16 16:20:27.890):{0x398} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect:  The statement has been terminated.
[30000] (08/16 16:20:34.249):{0x398} [PIPTOOL]: Exiting PIPTool from AGDBDlg.
====== END OF LOG ======

SimonMac 08-21-2007 06:35 AM

Do these logs mean anything to anyone????

hdawg 08-21-2007 07:03 AM

Are you using MDS Services?

The upgrade that you just did, what version was it from?

It looks like the database was partially upgraded / changed and then attempted again; hence the duplicate key in FEATURE_VERSION.

SimonMac 08-21-2007 07:57 AM

From 4.1.3 to 4.1.4, if i delete the MDSS and start again, what will happen?

hdawg 08-21-2007 08:10 AM

Are you using MDS Services for anything?

If you're not sure, then I'd say no, and would remove it!

How to remove BlackBerry MDS Services, BlackBerry MDS Connection Service or instant messaging service

Also check out BlackBerry MDS Services components do not appear in BlackBerry Manager

You could remove it and then reinstall; but if you're not using it, why reinstall?

SimonMac 08-21-2007 09:47 AM

We use the BlackBerry browser to access our intranet.

hdawg 08-21-2007 09:55 AM

ah you're good. You're using MDS but not the MDS Services database; you can remove the MDSS stuff safely.

SimonMac 08-21-2007 10:13 AM

Decisions, decisions!

Should I randomly start deleting things from the SQL dB 20mins before hometime or wait until the morning?

hdawg 08-21-2007 10:24 AM

I would schedule it during a change window myself :)

update that sig, you're at 4.1.4 now, BE PROUD !!!!

SimonMac 08-21-2007 10:29 AM

Its my server I'll take it down when I want!

hdawg 08-21-2007 10:44 AM

I'm too poor to own servers; I just let other people buy them for me and I manage em.

CsabiDuke 09-18-2007 04:41 AM

I have this problem too. I try to run the table.sql script in sql analyzer on the sqlserver, but i see a very lot of error in that. I repair some error (small and big characters...)
But I Don't know what can I do whit this:

Server: Msg 1776, Level 16, State 1, Line 8
There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table 'ServerConfig' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key 'FK_ServerStats_ServerConfig'.
Server: Msg 1750, Level 16, State 1, Line 8
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

The db creating is runing away to this error message.
Any idea?

Thanking in advance.

Nikon2ks 09-27-2007 07:50 AM

I'm am getting a different error...can anyone help?? my logs are below....

[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
/************************************************** **************************

This SQL script will create the jobs that will remove old data

Procedure List:

(C) 1997-2004 Research In Motion Limited.
************************************************** **************************/


Note - There is no easy of determining if these jobs exists unless one is a member of
sysadm (as queries would be needed against msdb tables and public doesn't have access).

Thus, the installer program running this script will suppress errors that get reported
when the job already exists.


USE msdb
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: Changed database context to 'msdb'.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
* RIMPurgeHistory - delete rows from ServerConfigHistory table
exec sp_add_job 'RIMPurgeHistoryBESMgmt',
@description = 'Remove old data from history table'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @name ('RIMPurgeHistoryBESMgmt') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
exec sp_add_jobstep @job_name = 'RIMPurgeHistoryBESMgmt',
@step_id = 1,
@step_name = 'DoIt',
@database_name = 'BESMgmt',
@command = 'exec RemoveOldHistoryRows 60' -- 60 day retention
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @step_name ('DoIt') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
exec sp_add_jobschedule @job_name = 'RIMPurgeHistoryBESMgmt',
@name = 'RIMPurgeHistory',
@freq_type = 8, -- weekly
@freq_interval = 1, -- Sunday
@freq_recurrence_factor = 1, -- every week
@active_start_time = 10000 -- 1:00 am
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @name ('RIMPurgeHistory') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
exec sp_add_jobserver @job_name = 'RIMPurgeHistoryBESMgmt'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: Job 'RIMPurgeHistoryBESMgmt' is already targeted at server 'EXPCAP-BES'.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:

* RIMPurgeDeletedUsers - delete rows from DeletedUserConfig
* no longer used
exec sp_delete_job @job_name = 'RIMPurgeDeletedUsersBESMgmt'
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @job_name ('RIMPurgeDeletedUsersBESMgmt') does not exist.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.014):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:

* RIMPurgeWorkQueue - delete rows from WorkQueue
exec sp_add_job 'RIMPurgeWorkQueueBESMgmt',
@description = 'Remove old work queue entries'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @name ('RIMPurgeWorkQueueBESMgmt') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
exec sp_add_jobstep @job_name = 'RIMPurgeWorkQueueBESMgmt',
@step_id = 1,
@step_name = 'DoIt',
@database_name = 'BESMgmt',
@command = 'exec RemoveOldWorkQueue 15' -- 15 day retention
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @step_name ('DoIt') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:

exec sp_add_jobschedule @job_name = 'RIMPurgeWorkQueueBESMgmt',
@name = 'RIMPurgeWorkQueue',
@freq_type = 8, -- weekly
@freq_interval = 1, -- Sunday
@freq_recurrence_factor = 1, -- every week
@active_start_time = 20000 -- 2:00 am
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @name ('RIMPurgeWorkQueue') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
exec sp_add_jobserver @job_name = 'RIMPurgeWorkQueueBESMgmt'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: Job 'RIMPurgeWorkQueueBESMgmt' is already targeted at server 'EXPCAP-BES'.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:

* RIMCheckFor2GB - warn if we're on MSDE and are approaching MSDE 2GB limit

declare @edition varchar(128)
set @edition = cast(serverproperty('Edition') as varchar(128))
if @edition = 'Desktop Engine'
exec sp_add_job 'RIMCheckFor2GBBESMgmt',
@description = 'Check to see if approaching MSDE 2 GB limit'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @name ('RIMCheckFor2GBBESMgmt') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:

declare @edition varchar(128)
set @edition = cast(serverproperty('Edition') as varchar(128))
if @edition = 'Desktop Engine'
exec sp_add_jobstep @job_name = 'RIMCheckFor2GBBESMgmt',
@step_id = 1,
@step_name = 'DoIt',
@database_name = 'BESMgmt',
@command = 'exec CheckFor2GB 1500' -- 1500MB threshold
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @step_name ('DoIt') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:

declare @edition varchar(128)
set @edition = cast(serverproperty('Edition') as varchar(128))
if @edition = 'Desktop Engine'
exec sp_add_jobschedule @job_name = 'RIMCheckFor2GBBESMgmt',
@name = 'RIMCheckFor2GB',
@freq_type = 8, -- weekly
@freq_interval = 1, -- Sunday
@freq_recurrence_factor = 1, -- every week
@active_start_time = 50000 -- 5:00 am
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @name ('RIMCheckFor2GB') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.030):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
declare @edition varchar(128)
set @edition = cast(serverproperty('Edition') as varchar(128))
if @edition = 'Desktop Engine'
exec sp_add_jobserver @job_name = 'RIMCheckFor2GBBESMgmt'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: Job 'RIMCheckFor2GBBESMgmt' is already targeted at server 'EXPCAP-BES'.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:

* RIMIndexDefrag - defrag the indexes

declare @edition varchar(128)
set @edition = cast(serverproperty('Edition') as varchar(128))
if @edition = 'Desktop Engine'
exec sp_add_job 'RIMIndexDefragBESMgmt',
@description = 'Index defrag'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @name ('RIMIndexDefragBESMgmt') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:

declare @edition varchar(128)
set @edition = cast(serverproperty('Edition') as varchar(128))
if @edition = 'Desktop Engine'
exec sp_add_jobstep @job_name = 'RIMIndexDefragBESMgmt',
@step_id = 1,
@step_name = 'DoIt',
@database_name = 'BESMgmt',
@command = 'exec IndexDefrag 10' -- % threshold to defrag
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @step_name ('DoIt') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:

declare @edition varchar(128)
set @edition = cast(serverproperty('Edition') as varchar(128))
if @edition = 'Desktop Engine'
exec sp_add_jobschedule @job_name = 'RIMIndexDefragBESMgmt',
@name = 'RIMIndexDefrag',
@freq_type = 8, -- weekly
@freq_interval = 1, -- Sunday
@freq_recurrence_factor = 1, -- every week
@active_start_time = 30000 -- 3:00 am
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @name ('RIMIndexDefrag') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
declare @edition varchar(128)
set @edition = cast(serverproperty('Edition') as varchar(128))
if @edition = 'Desktop Engine'
exec sp_add_jobserver @job_name = 'RIMIndexDefragBESMgmt'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: Job 'RIMIndexDefragBESMgmt' is already targeted at server 'EXPCAP-BES'.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:

* RIMShrinkDb - reduce space used

declare @edition varchar(128)
set @edition = cast(serverproperty('Edition') as varchar(128))
if @edition = 'Desktop Engine'
exec sp_add_job 'RIMShrinkDbBESMgmt',
@description = 'DBCC ShrinkDb'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @name ('RIMShrinkDbBESMgmt') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:

declare @edition varchar(128)
set @edition = cast(serverproperty('Edition') as varchar(128))
if @edition = 'Desktop Engine'
exec sp_add_jobstep @job_name = 'RIMShrinkDbBESMgmt',
@step_id = 1,
@step_name = 'Shrink',
@database_name = 'BESMgmt',
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @step_name ('Shrink') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.045):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:

declare @edition varchar(128)
set @edition = cast(serverproperty('Edition') as varchar(128))
if @edition = 'Desktop Engine'
exec sp_add_jobstep @job_name = 'RIMShrinkDbBESMgmt',
@step_id = 2,
@step_name = 'UpdateSize',
@database_name = 'BESMgmt',
@command = 'dbcc updateusage (BESMgmt)'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @step_name ('UpdateSize') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:

declare @edition varchar(128)
set @edition = cast(serverproperty('Edition') as varchar(128))
if @edition = 'Desktop Engine'
exec sp_add_jobschedule @job_name = 'RIMShrinkDbBESMgmt',
@name = 'RIMShrinkDb',
@freq_type = 8, -- weekly
@freq_interval = 1, -- Sunday
@freq_recurrence_factor = 1, -- every week
@active_start_time = 40000 -- 4:00 am
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @name ('RIMShrinkDb') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
declare @edition varchar(128)
set @edition = cast(serverproperty('Edition') as varchar(128))
if @edition = 'Desktop Engine'
exec sp_add_jobserver @job_name = 'RIMShrinkDbBESMgmt'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: Job 'RIMShrinkDbBESMgmt' is already targeted at server 'EXPCAP-BES'.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:

* RIMPurgeMDSMsg - delete rows from MDSPushMessages
exec sp_add_job 'RIMPurgeMDSMsgBESMgmt',
@description = 'Remove old data from push messages table'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @name ('RIMPurgeMDSMsgBESMgmt') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
exec sp_add_jobstep @job_name = 'RIMPurgeMDSMsgBESMgmt',
@step_id = 1,
@step_name = 'DoIt',
@database_name = 'BESMgmt',
@command = 'exec RemoveMDSPushMsgs'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @step_name ('DoIt') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
exec sp_add_jobschedule @job_name = 'RIMPurgeMDSMsgBESMgmt',
@name = 'RIMPurgeMDSMsg',
@freq_type = 4, -- daily
@freq_interval = 1, -- every day
@active_start_time = 33300 -- 3:33 am
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @name ('RIMPurgeMDSMsg') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
exec sp_add_jobserver @job_name = 'RIMPurgeMDSMsgBESMgmt'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: Job 'RIMPurgeMDSMsgBESMgmt' is already targeted at server 'EXPCAP-BES'.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:

* RIMPurgeMDSStats - delete rows from MDSPushMessages
exec sp_add_job 'RIMPurgeMDSStatsBESMgmt',
@description = 'Remove old data from stats table'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @name ('RIMPurgeMDSStatsBESMgmt') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.061):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
exec sp_add_jobstep @job_name = 'RIMPurgeMDSStatsBESMgmt',
@step_id = 1,
@step_name = 'DoIt',
@database_name = 'BESMgmt',
@command = 'exec RemoveOldMDSStats'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @step_name ('DoIt') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
exec sp_add_jobschedule @job_name = 'RIMPurgeMDSStatsBESMgmt',
@name = 'RIMPurgeMDSStats',
@freq_type = 4, -- daily
@freq_interval = 1, -- every day
@active_start_time = 22200 -- 2:22 am
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @name ('RIMPurgeMDSStats') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
exec sp_add_jobserver @job_name = 'RIMPurgeMDSStatsBESMgmt'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: Job 'RIMPurgeMDSStatsBESMgmt' is already targeted at server 'EXPCAP-BES'.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:

* RIMPurgeOTASL - delete rows from DSUPRequest
use msdb
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: Changed database context to 'msdb'.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
exec sp_add_job 'RIMPurgeOTASLBESMgmt',
@description = 'Remove old data from stats table'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @name ('RIMPurgeOTASLBESMgmt') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
exec sp_add_jobstep @job_name = 'RIMPurgeOTASLBESMgmt',
@step_id = 1,
@step_name = 'DoIt',
@database_name = 'BESMgmt',
@command = 'exec RemoveOldOTASL 31'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @step_name ('DoIt') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
exec sp_add_jobschedule @job_name = 'RIMPurgeOTASLBESMgmt',
@name = 'RIMPurgeOTASL',
@freq_type = 8, -- weekly
@freq_interval = 1, -- Sunday
@freq_recurrence_factor = 1, -- every week
@active_start_time = 14400 -- 1:44 am
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL Informational Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: The specified @name ('RIMPurgeOTASL') already exists.
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL executed successfully
[30000] (09/27 07:54:44.076):{0x1D24} SQL being executed:
exec sp_add_jobserver @job_name = 'RIMPurgeOTASLBESMgmt'
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.264):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
[20000] (09/27 07:54:44.264):{0x1D24} SQL Error Message from CBESDBInstaller::ExecuteSql.executeDirect: SQLSTATE: 42000 Native error: 0 Message: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).

hdawg 09-27-2007 08:03 AM

Database upgrade fails and Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll error message appears

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