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abstractrude 12-06-2005 03:55 AM

Are People Starting To Annoy You!
Every time someone sees me with my blackberry they ask me a god damn question about this NTP lawsuit! Has anyone else has similar experiences?

"What are you gonna do now that your blackberry doesnt work?"
yeah guy, it doesnt work thats why im typing on it!



BBAdmin 12-06-2005 04:01 AM

Now that's the beauty of living in the UK. Nobody here really cares about it because it's unlikely to ever affect the UK service!!! Let's be honest though, it'll never affect anyone anywhere once all those patents have been wiped from under NTP's feet!!!!

paulbblc 12-06-2005 04:16 AM

I have not gotten that question yet however the one I get all the time is "wow, how much did that thing cost?"

Don't mean to send the topic off coarse but yeah that one gets old. Isn't it still rude to ask people, total strangers for that matter, how much they spend on certain things?

micromind 12-06-2005 09:20 AM

yea i think so too people are always like can i see that thing......yea sure and can you screw around with it so much that everything gets changed....i don't knwo about you guys i can't stand when people touch things and have to monkey around with them change themes whatever and ....well anyway dirves me nuts :)

kunal 12-06-2005 09:38 AM

havent had anyone ask me that question... however, ive noticed a huge spike in how many people carry one...

stand at an airport terminal, and almost every second person has one... sheesh...

i think rim will just buy the patents from ntp... if possible... lol


SmurfBerry 12-06-2005 11:54 AM

I have gotten the old "whatcha gonna do now" thing already and I have only had my BB for a week. I came from a Treo and I had thousands of problems with that thing. I suspect RIM will be paying the money. I am a three letter Gov't employee and I am one of the ones here in the U.S. that won't be affected.

And yes there are people everywhere still using these things.

dkmadrid 12-06-2005 03:24 PM

I have to agree...

Originally Posted by paulbblc
Isn't it still rude to ask people, total strangers for that matter, how much they spend on certain things?

I think it's inappropriate, myself. The question I just got three days ago in Chicago was "Is that thing a phone?" which kind of took me by surprise because I thought by now EVERYBODY knew what a BlackBerry was and looked like.

Boy Genius 12-07-2005 02:05 AM

The people that ask that question are people that don't know, or don't care. Meaning, they hear someone talking about it, a rumour, or hear something on TV. I havn't heard one segment on TV where they talk about a work-a-round to the patent infringment (if any). But it has gotten old fast, over 10 people have asked me this week.

juwaack68 12-07-2005 08:22 AM

I've been getting questions from end users and (IT) managers alike (I'm the BES admin here) about this whole mess. Some say they heard a rumor and want to know what I'm going to do 'when' RIM is shutdown, others just send me useless links to overblown tech articles - the authors of which just type a bunch of meaningless words to fill their column.

I'm just going to start sending everyone the link to Mark Rejhon's sticky about this.

nb_mitch 12-07-2005 09:18 AM

I have had one person comment on the NTP thing, never had anyone ask about my BB. Maybe because almost everyone is carrying something, it just isn't that uncommon anymore. I am in a IT job, so allot of people are wearing a brick on their hip.

mikej5780 12-07-2005 09:23 AM

I'm just going to start responding by asking them what they are going to do when Microsoft gets shut down because of the 30+ patent infringiment cases they are in right now :-)

clonmult 12-07-2005 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by BBAdmin
Now that's the beauty of living in the UK. Nobody here really cares about it because it's unlikely to ever affect the UK service!!! Let's be honest though, it'll never affect anyone anywhere once all those patents have been wiped from under NTP's feet!!!!

I do feel like the patents should be wiped as well, but ultimately its 50:50 either way. Depressing thoughts of such patent sitters actually winning.

We're using a lot of BBs in the UK, but our users roam a LOT, I do mean all over the world, including a lot of US travel - how will it affect people using UK sourced BBs connecting to UK based servers, but via US GPRS carriers?

*edit* our users are probably getting asked about it as well, as most of their colleagues who they do work pretty closely with are based in the US ... who may (or may not!) have issues with their service in the future.

Only time will tell, I guess.

Data123 01-09-2006 12:13 PM

Everyone just looks at you when they see this big device stuck to your ear.

DaddyRick 01-09-2006 11:06 PM

The only questions I have gotten is, "How much did that phone cost? and How does it work? and What can you do with it?"

Leads to long coverstaions sometimes.

Jack T. Chance 01-10-2006 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by Data123
Everyone just looks at you when they see this big device stuck to your ear.

No, not really, at least not in my experience.

No, in my experience, when they see the left side of my head, they ask "what is that thing? Is it a phone?" as they stare in utter befuddlement at my Bluetooth headset! ;-)

You see, holding a BlackBerry or other PDA phone up to your ear is sooo 2 years ago! Everybody who's anybody uses a Bluetooth headset now! :-P ;-)

nb_mitch 01-10-2006 04:44 PM

I have never had anyone ask me, maybe I ain't noone and need a BT :)

jarthurs 01-10-2006 07:23 PM

I just look at them and laugh. I then proceed to tell them that if RIM ever stopped selling the devices in the U.S. Canada would see an upsurge in sales as providers will offer big deals for those million plus customers.

SMorganPhoto 01-11-2006 07:23 AM

I am getting fed up with the same question. I work help desk currently and got promoted to a Blackberry SME on the NMCI network. (any Navy or Marines call, most likely you will talk to me). Anyways, when I first started working there I had no intention of staying at the bottom of the totme pole, so I decided to go with a Blackberry, learn something new, and it got me up quicker.

Now everywhere I go, people think they know what is up with the lawsuit. "Yea it sucks you won't have that much longer."

Yea, it sucks you know nothing of which you speak!

dc/dc 01-14-2006 01:10 PM

I hate that crap too. It is extremely annoying.

hf1khal 01-16-2006 01:43 AM

I have heard the question of what i am going to do about 20 times from users of Treos and so on. My reply is always that I will continue to use it as usual and will deal with it when it and that is if it happens and at such time I am sure RIM will have a solution. With that said, 5 converted to BBs.

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