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Old 10-14-2010, 01:23 PM   #32
New Member
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Model: 9530
OS: 4.7
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Posts: 9

I went to the darkside too...but now I'm back.

I had a Samsung Fascinate for 2 weeks. Wow! Brilliant screen. Fluid operating system. Amazing apps/games that aren't available on BB. VERY FAST (1GHz) web-browsing. And most of the apps that I previously used on BB were designed WAY better for android (Yelp, Google Maps, etc). HOWEVER...

The settings I got used to on my BB weren't even an option on the Fascinate: simple stuff like a screen fade not being the same thing as a screen lock; or a decent bedside mode. Just minor things that all added up. And one MAJOR thing: nothing keeps you connected like a BB. Emails would barely push through -- and never timely when they would...even on my Gmail accounts. Facebook updates were almost non-existent.... Basically, besides an actual text message or phone call, I felt completely disconnected from what was going on. Did not like.

So, I'm back to my Storm2. And back to BB...probably for life. I hope the Storm3 (or 4?) is a massive upgrade in processing and screen size though. I do really miss those....
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