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Old 11-27-2010, 10:51 AM   #10
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Default Re: newbie saying hello, prepare urself for a rant :(

Honestly, if I want a bling phone, I wouldn't buy anything sold by a US provider. I would get a Vertu, Mobiado, Ulysse Nardin, TAG Heuer Meridiist or other high-end phone that does almost nothing but make calls and send SMS. LOL

I prefer understatement and utility, which is why I've owned nearly 40 BlackBerry devices in the last 5 years, and it heavily influenced my decision to get the HTC Legend (and more recently my Pre 2) over other smartphones when I could no longer use BlackBerry to its potential. My feeling is that this perceived bling factor is really more of a thing of kids wanting to be like adults. In my late teens, it was whether or not you had a Nextel. I was the first person I knew to get the gold i1000+, then the i90c, and then the i95cl. Things that are popular with kids change frequently, and I'm sure that there will be something else to replace BlackBerry eventually. The biggest problem with all of this is product dilution. Grey Goose vodka is another good example of that. It gets popular, and the quality and exclusivity drops.
I h8 txtspk.
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