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Old 03-12-2011, 06:44 PM   #6
BlackBerry Extraordinaire
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Default Re: App to get Location from blackberry

right, accuracy varies in ranges from a radius of about 30m to 1.5km.
Still, its better then nothing, if you try to locate a lost phone, or, want to locate someone.
If a phone is lost & stolen, no GPS or whatever method will help, because, the first thing a medium intelligent guy will do is to pull the battery + sim.

But, If the phone is just lost, even an inaccurate location is helpful because most people will remember their life for the last few days.
Also, GPS will not work in closed buildings. GPS is nice if you are in a car, bike, or outdoors, but I think, most smartphones are used and lost inside.

relying solely on GPS for location information for several years was a wrong decision by RIM.

Btw. there is an application called Cell seeker, which will do what the OP asked for. Dont know, if it sends a link ready fror google maps, but as long as you get the latitude and longitude, you can type that in to google maps.

Last edited by nobody7290; 03-12-2011 at 06:51 PM..
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