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Old 05-29-2006, 02:20 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by berrynut

So...what I did is set up the standard auto text short cuts in regular BlackBerry Options. I went to Autotext to insert "@office" or "@car" or "@home" etc with a couple of regular keystrokes (I use (qqo = @office) (qqh = @home) (qqa = @all) (qqc = @car) because qq doesn’t appear in many words but you can figure out whatever is best for you). I can simply do a "find" in todoMatrix on "@of" and hit enter and I immediately see all the @office context to-do's, which I can sort anyway I choose. That is another feature I really like! Todomatrix remembers the last find, so referring back to the found folder works really well. I can also update my task status from the found folder...I do not have to go to the folder any one task is stored in. What is so cool about doing it the todoMatrix that doing it this way makes the number of contexts and groups absolutely unlimited.


I am very new to GTD, just learned the brief idea and the book is on the way. My question for you is that why you want to search for @office or @car? If you create a Drawer called GTD, and under that drawer, create some folders called: Office, Car, Calls, Errands, will this work too? And without the need of search??

Maybe I missed something without reading the book first.

I read somewhere that its 256 character limit for TodoMatrix. Why should we need IdeaMatrix? I am trying to find a reason to buy both. Seems like TodoMatrix is the same as IdeaMatrix except for the input limit.

Thanks for sharing.
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Old 05-29-2006, 02:30 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by pengrus
Originally Posted by berrynut

So...what I did is set up the standard auto text short cuts in regular BlackBerry Options. I went to Autotext to insert "@office" or "@car" or "@home" etc with a couple of regular keystrokes (I use (qqo = @office) (qqh = @home) (qqa = @all) (qqc = @car) because qq doesn’t appear in many words but you can figure out whatever is best for you). I can simply do a "find" in todoMatrix on "@of" and hit enter and I immediately see all the @office context to-do's, which I can sort anyway I choose. That is another feature I really like! Todomatrix remembers the last find, so referring back to the found folder works really well. I can also update my task status from the found folder...I do not have to go to the folder any one task is stored in. What is so cool about doing it the todoMatrix that doing it this way makes the number of contexts and groups absolutely unlimited.


I am very new to GTD, just learned the brief idea and the book is on the way. My question for you is that why you want to search for @office or @car? If you create a Drawer called GTD, and under that drawer, create some folders called: Office, Car, Calls, Errands, will this work too? And without the need of search??

Maybe I missed something without reading the book first.

I read somewhere that its 256 character limit for TodoMatrix. Why should we need IdeaMatrix? I am trying to find a reason to buy both. Seems like TodoMatrix is the same as IdeaMatrix except for the input limit.

Thanks for sharing.
That's how I do it. Each context has its own folder. Works fine for me.
Old 05-31-2006, 06:39 PM   #23
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For those who consider to implement GTD on blackberry, I suggest you take a look at the GTD outlook plugin here:

Try their 30-day trial version. I think it's a huge help for any one who values their time and efficiency with emailing. The TODO Matrix is nice, but too bad they don't integrate with outlook. After comparing both, I found it's much easier to use GTD Outlook plugin than trying hard on TODO Matrix. Both will do the job, but the Outlook Plugin is much more efficient. Try it yourself and let us know what you think.
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Old 05-31-2006, 06:53 PM   #24
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I was a long time user of the GTD Outlook plugin. It's a very nice application. But, this thread is entitled Real GTD for your BlackBerry, and because the built-in task app on the BB is so lacking, the GTD plugin provides no benefit for the mobile BB user. So, having used both extensively, I would disagree with pengrus that the GTD plugin is "much more efficient." Certainly one or the other will work very well for their respective users. But if you want fuller control of your tasks on your BB, todoMatrix is the only way to go. I've abandoned using tasks in Outlook altogether in favor of todoMatrix.
Old 05-31-2006, 09:42 PM   #25
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Good to hear your perspective who has used the Outlook plugin for a long time. The reason I said that is I feel with outlook provides the full control, and BB Tasks being synced with the category information, it is still very decent process. On the other hand, if I rely on TodoMatrix alone, I have to focus on BB, work in outlook will be redundant and not syncable.

I guess if you use BB much more than outlook, i.e. travel a lot, TodoMatrix is the answer. If you use the outlook a lot, then the GTD for Outlook plugin is the way to go.

Thanks for the discussion and to hear others input is very helpful.
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Old 06-04-2006, 07:32 AM   #26
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that's why I mentioned NextAction. I do also like to sync my tasks with my desktop and this is mostly not possible. NA provides exactly this features with the combination GTD implementation ...

For me, programs like todoMatrix have some knock-out disadvantages:

1. No synchronization to my Outlook possible
2. (Much more important) Synchronizes to an external database. Which means, my tasks are transferred through the internet to some server. Who protects me if this server is exploited? I do not want my data send through the internet!

Just my 2 cents, forgive for interrupting
Old 06-04-2006, 07:59 AM   #27
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You're not interrupting, so no worries. But I echo what others have stated as NextAction's main issues: no trial and the developer, although I'm sure he or she isn't, seems to be a phantom. No real website to speak of. I'm not willing to throw down that much money for an app I can't trial or for a developer that doesn't seem to exist.

todoMatrix, while it can't sync with Outlook (they're looking into the possibility), is very configurable -- to the point that I no longer need Outlook as a task manager. So that problem is solved. I understand your concerns about storing data on someone else's server. If this were personal information, I would be concerned, too. But I don't know how many people store truly personal information in a to do list. Maybe a lot do, I don't know. I personally don't, so that's not a worry for me.
Old 06-05-2006, 08:39 AM   #28
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Of course, I understand the issues.

For me it was a good buy. And as they have a money back guarantee (in their shop, at handango you have that anyway) it seems to be reliable.

I wasn't yet in the situation that I needed support from them so I cannot tell anything about this but I as of now I guess I don't need one
Old 06-05-2006, 10:07 AM   #29
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Default Outlook sync?


So you have the software? Can you provide some screenshots (I know there's some at handango, but I'd like to see some "personalized" so we can get past this "vaporware" thing... Are you in some way connected to the vendor?

I'm particularly confiused by the fact that there are several "more established" (see: rex and pocketday) software companies that are saying Outlook sync is not readily possible without a lot of work - and yet, an unheard-of "company" with no other real software in their arsenal shows up saying their software synchronizes with Outlook.

Sounds like a scam to me. They can engineer Outlook synchronization, but can't set up trial software. Yeah, riiiiight.

Don't get me wrong, if someone (other than funkym) can chime in here (someone with a post count above the single digits) and give us the thumbs up on this software, I'd jump on it in a heartbeat. I'm just very wary (and beating a dead horse, too probably...)
Old 06-06-2006, 11:42 AM   #30
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I would be interested in hearing more about how you use TodoMatrix as a replacement.
I have been using the trial and after reading the posts I have set up autotext shortcuts for my comon contexts. When i create a new task i use the appropriate context. I have also created some folders where i do not use the contexts as those tasks always need to be done in the same location. I am gonig to finish converting my tasks and was thinking that i would create a work folder with individual project folders with their appropriate tasks along with the context. This way i can see all the tasks for an individual project in one folder and i can also use the find to pull all the contexts together for say @Phone calls at one time too. This seems to make the best use of TodoMatrix. I was thinking if there was a category field in TodoMatrix i would use that to hold the context instead of in the subject. I also would like to be able to sort by subject so that i could search for all @ tasks then sort them by subject and i could see all my context related tasks at one time.
Any comments or suggestions.
Old 06-06-2006, 12:19 PM   #31
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If you create a Drawer called GTD, and under that drawer, create some folders called: Office, Car, Calls, Errands, will this work? And without the need of search??
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Old 06-06-2006, 12:48 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by pengrus
If you create a Drawer called GTD, and under that drawer, create some folders called: Office, Car, Calls, Errands, will this work? And without the need of search??
Yes, that's exactly how I have mine set up. I have a drawer called GTD, with folders labeled Calls, Computer, Office, Errands, Home, Waiting for . . .

I have another drawer called Projects, where I have a folder for each of my active projects. I'm not big on just planning one single next action; I like to project out the order of tasks for a project. This is where I enter those tasks at first, in their appropriate project folder. When a task in a project folder really does become the next action for that project, I use the clickwheel to move it to an appropriate context folder.

I also have an Agenda drawer with a folder for each of the people I might have to speak with about anything.
Old 06-07-2006, 04:52 AM   #33
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@thunder33cat: i will prepare some data and shots for you and will post it asap

p.s.: better you do not talk about the post counter...
Old 06-07-2006, 07:48 AM   #34
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Default Thanks, funkym...

...but I'd also appreciate an additional review of the software from someone else, too. (Obviously...)

I tried to contact the vendor with a proposal to review the software here, but have heard nothing - no response... have you had any contact with them?

And by the way... the post-count comment wasn't directed at you per se, it was a hopeful request to have a review/perspective from an established member of the BBForums community, rather than a random single-digit post-count vendor-supplied "yeah, it's great - just buy it." (But that never happens, right?)

And I'm fully aware of my low post-count - I've been a lurker for a fair amount of time, but this is one time I thought it was worth posting/questioning...
Old 06-07-2006, 08:07 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by gdpmumin
Yes, that's exactly how I have mine set up. I have a drawer called GTD, with folders labeled Calls, Computer, Office, Errands, Home, Waiting for . . .

I have another drawer called Projects, where I have a folder for each of my active projects. I'm not big on just planning one single next action; I like to project out the order of tasks for a project. This is where I enter those tasks at first, in their appropriate project folder. When a task in a project folder really does become the next action for that project, I use the clickwheel to move it to an appropriate context folder.

I also have an Agenda drawer with a folder for each of the people I might have to speak with about anything.
Yesterday i set it up with the search which is really quite easy. I was more concerned about moving a task from a project folder to a context and then not remembering what project it it is related to. Also with search i can search for any "@" and get a single listing of all my context actions, I really like this. For Agendas i really like the suggested approach as those do not need a context. Have you found that you are more descriptive with your tasks so that you know what project they are related to?
Old 06-07-2006, 08:48 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by craiglud
Yesterday i set it up with the search which is really quite easy. I was more concerned about moving a task from a project folder to a context and then not remembering what project it it is related to. Also with search i can search for any "@" and get a single listing of all my context actions, I really like this. For Agendas i really like the suggested approach as those do not need a context. Have you found that you are more descriptive with your tasks so that you know what project they are related to?
Yes, I do have to be a little more descriptive with the task description than I probably naturally would be, because, as you said, once I've moved the task to its appropriate context folder and out of its project folder, it's easy to lose sight of what project it's for.

I haven't played with the search feature in todoMatrix yet.
Old 06-07-2006, 10:47 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by gdpmumin
Yes, I do have to be a little more descriptive with the task description than I probably naturally would be, because, as you said, once I've moved the task to its appropriate context folder and out of its project folder, it's easy to lose sight of what project it's for.

I haven't played with the search feature in todoMatrix yet.

The searching is pretty amazing and quick. I have found that i use it quite a lot. I did however set up a couple categories as you suggested and seem to be getting along quite well with a combination of both. Thanks for the suggestions!
Old 06-08-2006, 09:14 PM   #38
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Ok, how about this!
I created a contact for each of my contexts. Such as @Home, @Car, etc, with the same name in the email field in address book. Then when you create a new task from TodoMatrix think of the Delegates field as the context field. Now for each new task that i create, in the appropriate project folder, i then add the appropriate delegate(Context) such as @Car. Todo Matrix then automatically creates a new view under Delegates for each of these Contexts. Now you dont have to use the find function to see your contexts and they can easily be assigned to a new context if needed.
I just set it up earlier today and it seems to be significantly more flexible so far. Enjoy!
Old 06-08-2006, 10:07 PM   #39
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Hey! Niiiiice! Fantastic idea. Thanks a lot.
Old 06-12-2006, 10:44 AM   #40
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Well i reworked my tasks over the weekend using the delegates function and i have found it remarkably easy and intuitive for GTD tasks management. The automatic delegate views are great and the ability to still view the tasks by project and see what context you have them assigned to makes for easy editing. I have also started to only assign the context when i am ready to work on the next task for a particular project. That way the tasks that are not ready or able to be completed are not cluttering up my views. However i can still see what they are by looking at the project folder.
Having my complete task list everywhere is simply awesome!
Anyone else give this a try yet?
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